
Subtil Men and Women

2 Samuel 13:3

"But Amnon had a friend, whose name was Jonadab, the son of Shimeah David's brother: and Jonadab was a very subtil man."

Three times in the Scriptures God uses the word "subtil" to describe people. In each instance it is not a good description, but one of warning and deception. In the verse above, it says that Amnon's friend was a "subtil man." In the Book of Proverbs, God talks about a woman who was "subtil of heart." When the serpent approached Eve in Genesis, God described the serpent as "more subtil than any beast of the field." In each instance, the subtlety of character was used to show that they were trying to use deception to get another person to do something.

Determining whether someone is subtil is not always easy. A subtil person will say one thing to one person, but when talking to someone else they will say something else. You will find that a subtil person can never be nailed down on where they stand. You will find that a subtil person is one who is more interested in you liking them and their position than in you following truth.

Moreover, a subtil person is one who will never tell you their intentions or plans. They always have a good reason to get you to do wrong. Their plans are always kept secret. Simply put, the subtil person is not a transparent person. They keep everything under their sleeve so they can get from you what they want. In most instances, a subtil person has plans to get you to go against what you know is right. They desire you to forsake your character for the sake of physical pleasure or immediate gratification.

Furthermore, the subtil person is not a black and white thinker. In other words, they don't have absolutes, but everything is relative with them. The situation determines where they fall. Their whole purpose is to win you over to them so that they can take from you something that they desire.

So, what is the answer to avoiding subtil people? I believe the best way to avoid subtil people is not to be subtil yourself. In other words, be open and transparent to those with whom you come in contact. Don't be one who speaks in code, but speak plainly so everyone can understand. Say what you mean, and mean what you say. Transparent people will run off subtil people. When you make everything right and wrong, you will find that the subtil person will avoid you.

Christian, let me challenge you to be a person who by nature is transparent. God is a transparent God. He never has ulterior motives. Be transparent in your marriage. Be transparent with your children. Be transparent with those for whom you work. Be transparent in your business dealings. Most of all, be transparent in your work for Christ. Subtil people will destroy you and those whom you love, so avoid them by being transparent and decisive with what you believe and do.