The Greatest Victory​​​​​​​

Proverbs 16:32
“He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city.”

There have been many conquerors throughout history, but the greatest conqueror lies within you. God says that the person who “ruleth his spirit” is better than the general who can conquer a city. Ruling your spirit will be the greatest victory you will win because there are many things that affect it. If you learn to conquer your spirit, you will learn to conquer your day. I find there are four things you must learn about your spirit if you want to rule it.

First, learn what affects your spirit. The greatest study you can embark upon is the study of your spirit. You need to know what affects your spirit. For instance, I know that my spirit can only handle so much news coverage. I also know what type of news coverage will affect my spirit. Instead of letting the outside elements of life affect me, I have learned to get my news in a controlled manner so that it doesn't affect my spirit. I don't know what affects your spirit, but you better learn what causes you to get angry or become short with people so that you can control its influence on your spirit.

Second, learn who affects your spirit. This can go either way. You must learn who helps to lift your spirit when you are around them and who depresses or grieves it when you are with them. You are going to have to learn to limit your time with those people who drag your spirit down. This may sound a little petty, but you represent the LORD throughout the day, and you cannot allow an individual to affect your spirit to the point where you can't be a help to others. On the other hand, you need to learn to spend more time with those who tend to lift your spirit, especially in times when you are struggling. Spending time with spirit-lifters will put a charge on your outlook for the day.

Third, learn when your spirit is affected. There are times when your spirit is going to be a bit more on edge than others times. For instance, when you are tired, you will find that your spirit will often be a bit short with people. Likewise, when you are carrying a heavy load, you may find that your spirit is shorter with people than at other times. Let me encourage you to learn when those times are when your spirit is affected and learn to react slower during those times so that you don't ruin relationships or your testimony.

Fourth, learn where your spirit needs improvement. Nobody is perfect, and your spirit is one of those areas where you are going to have to find where it needs improvement, and work on it. Don't settle for your spirit ruling you. Determine to get control of those areas where your spirit needs improvement.

The best way to improve your spirit is never to allow outside factors to determine your spirit. You will never be in control of your spirit if you allow outside things to dictate your spirit. You can't control who is going to say negative things to you, nor can you control what is going to happen; however, you can control what is going on inside of you, and that is how you control your spirit. If you continually yield to the Holy Spirit of God, you will find that He can help you control your spirit. You will find your spirit to be more at peace when you spend time in the Scriptures daily. Moreover, you will find your spirit will tend to be on topside if you unload on God through prayer. By doing these four things, you can rule your spirit.