The Key

The Key to Not Quitting

Genesis 39:9

"There is none greater in this house than I; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee, because thou art his wife: how then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?"

If anyone ever had a reason to quit, Joseph did. Joseph's life started well, but he went through a period when it seemed all hope was gone. While Joseph went through that period, he never seemed to waver in his faith in God. When he was sold into slavery, he continued to serve God. When he was falsely accused and thrown into prison, he continued to serve God. Was there ever a time when Joseph wanted to quit? Though the Scriptures don't show that time, I'm quite sure there was because he had feelings just like you and me. So, what was the key that kept Joseph from quitting? Let me remind you of the story from the verse above to show you this key.

Joseph worked for a man by the name of Potiphar. Potiphar was an influential man in the land of Egypt. Because of Joseph's work ethic and character, Potiphar entrusted Joseph with the care of the whole house. In other words, Joseph became the manager of Potiphar's work force. One day while Joseph was in the house, Potiphar's wife made a physical advance towards Joseph which he refused. She continued to make advances towards him, but he responded to her advances by asking this question, " then can I do this great wickedness, and sin against God?" This response was the key that kept Joseph from quitting. The key was that he was serving God and not man. He kept his eyes on God through everything he endured, and that kept him going when everyone else would have quit.

The key to not quitting in hard times is keeping your eyes on God. It is so easy to get your eyes on man that when man disappoints you, you end up quitting. I have watched many people quit on God when someone they love messes up their life. I have watched people quit on God when tragedy hits their life. The reason they quit is because they had their eyes on man, and man will disappoint you by not coming through or through sin.

One of the greatest needs of our day is for Christians to realize that they need to keep their eyes on God. Too many Christians are serving their preacher and not God. Too many Christians have their eyes on a college institution when they need to keep their eyes on God. What are you going to do when your preacher falls into sin? What are you going to do when the institution you follow goes liberal? If you are serving them, you will either justify your own sin, become liberal, or simply quit on God.

Be careful about putting so much trust in man that you follow man. Always remember that any man is at best a sinner saved by grace. Man will disappoint you, but God will always be faithful. Get your eyes focused on God, and when disappointments come or tragedy hits your life, you will continue to do right and serve God because God never changes. God teaches that we should do this in Psalm 62:6 when He says, "He only is my rock and my salvation: he is my defence; I shall not be moved." When you make God the One Whom you serve, nothing in life will move you from what you are supposed to do. Take your eyes off man and focus on God, that is the key to not quitting.