The Last Days

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The Last Days


2 Timothy 3:1

"This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come."

In the verse above, God warns us what the last days will be like.  When God talks about the last days, He is talking about the final days before He comes back to take His children home to Heaven.  He warns us that in the last days there will be "perilous times." The word "perilous" means "dangerous; hazardous; full of risk." In other words, the last days will be very hazardous for the Christian. Why will they be so hazardous?  The reason is because there will be so many sins that will be prevalent for Christians to fall into.  In the following verses, God shows us what the sins of the last days will be.

In 2 Timothy 3:2-5, God says that the last days will be filled with these sins: "For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away."  When you look at this list of sins, you can see that we surely are living in the last days.

Because we live in the last days, every Christian should be careful not to succumb to the sins mentioned above.  Christian, you are as capable of committing any of these sins as is a lost person.  One of the reasons God warned us about the last days is so that we can beware of the sins that we must fight.  Each of the sins mentioned above will become more and more prevalent as we get closer to the LORD's coming.  Because of this, we will have to be more conscience of their presence so that we can avoid, or as the Scriptures says, "turn away" from them.

Furthermore, because we live in the last days, you should get busy serving God.  We don't know when the LORD is going to come, and it would be terrible for Him to find us not serving Him.  In these last days, Christians need to be more involved in their church's outreach ministries.  In these last days, Christians need to lead more people to Christ.  More Christians need to be involved in their church bus ministries in these last days.  In these last days, more Christians need to be leading people to Christ through soul winning.  In these last days, we need more young people to burn their dreams and surrender their lives to serve God full-time in the ministry.  We don't need Christians to do less in these last days, we need Christians to do more.

What are you doing in these last days to prepare yourself and others to meet Christ? Do you have some sin that needs to be cleaned up before Christ comes? Do you find yourself doing less for Christ than what you used to do? Do you find your heart growing colder towards the things of Christ? Christian, we need you in these last days to do more for Christ.  Whatever sin you have in your life, clean it up! Though you may already being doing several things for Christ in your church, let me exhort you to step up your efforts in each area.  Don't be caught doing nothing for Christ!  Go to your preacher and find out where you can get involved in your church so that we can reach more people before these last days come to an end.