The Need of Little Faith

Matthew 14:31

"And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?"

We all love to hear the story of Peter walking on the water to go to Jesus. That story is truly one of the most amazing stories in the Scriptures. The disciples were on the sea when a storm arose, and fear filled their hearts because they thought death was imminent. As they were doing everything they could to save their lives, they saw something walking on the water. They later learned that something was a Someone; it was Jesus Christ.

After a small discourse with Jesus, Peter was compelled by Jesus to come to Him on the water. Of course, Peter walked on the water, but he failed when he saw the waves. After saving Peter, Jesus said to him, "O thou of little faith." Little faith? Peter just walked on the water. Peter just did what no other human has ever done, and Jesus called that little faith? Yet, the "little faith" Peter had helped him to overcome several obstacles.

First, "little faith" helped Peter to silence the peer pressure. I'm certain the rest of the disciples were trying to convince Peter not to step out of the boat, yet his "little faith" moved him to trust Jesus instead of his peers. Your peers may pressure you not to listen to what God wants you to do, but you must let the "little faith" move you to listen to Him. Peter did not have great faith, but he had enough faith to silence the voice of peer pressure.

Second, "little faith" silenced fears. Peter was as fearful about doing God's will as the other disciples, but his "little faith" caused him not to listen to the voice of fear. You will never do anything great for God as long as you listen to fear. You may not have much faith, but if you will act upon the "little faith" that you do have, you will find that God can do miraculous things through you.

Third, "little faith" helped Peter to overcome his failings. When he sank in the water, he had enough faith to trust Jesus. Friend, we all will fail in life, but you must have "little faith" to get yourself out of your failings. Simply pick yourself up with your "little faith" and watch Jesus pull you out of your failings.

Fourth, "little faith" gave Peter a walking on water experience. I truly believe that many people are missing the walking on water experience of their lives because they won't act upon their "little faith." There is something great God wants to do through you, but you must listen to the voice of faith and silence the voices that scream against faith.

Finally, "little faith" grew Peter into greater faith. It was the "little faith" of Peter that allowed his faith to grow to the point where he gave up all to follow God. Peter became one of the greatest apostles, but it all started out with "little faith."

You may look at those whom God has used and think you will never be able to do what they have done, but all you must do is act upon the "little faith" that you do have and let God grow it into a greater faith. Until you step out on the "little faith" that you do have, God can never grow it into a great faith. Stop listening to the voices that try to cause you to ignore faith, and step out with the "little faith" that you do have and let God give you the walking on water experience of your life.