The Purpose

The Purpose of God's Word

John 16:33

"These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world."

Several times in the Book of John God makes the statement, "these things." He makes this statement so that He can teach us six lessons about the purpose of the Word of God. God's Word is the answer for every need in your life. When you understand the purpose of God's Word, then you will have a better understanding of It's words.

First, God gave us the Scriptures so that people can get saved. Nobody can get saved without the Word of God. It is God's Word that shows us that we are sinners. In Galatians 3:24, God calls His Word "...our schoolmaster to us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith." Without the Word of God we would never know that we have sinned because His Word is a law to show us what is sin. Moreover, God's Word also shows us God's plan for salvation. The primary purpose of God giving us His Word is so that we can get saved.

Second, in John 15:11 we see that God gave us the Scriptures so that we can have joy. You will never have true joy in life without following the Word of God. I often say that God's Word is the instruction manual for people, therefore, you will never find joy in life until you follow the manual of God's Word. When God's Word is heeded, then It gives a person joy.

Third, in John 15:17 we see that God gave us the Scriptures to teach us how to love one another. One of the biggest reasons Christians do not get along is because they don't read and obey the Word of God. You will only be successful at getting along with people by following God's Word. God's Word is filled with advice on how to improve your people skills. You will never be successful at getting along with all the different personalities without daily reading and obey the Scriptures.

Fourth, in John 16:1 we see that God gave us the Scriptures to keep us from scandalous actions. God's Word helps you to have a good reputation and testimony. Every time a person hurts their reputation or testimony it is when they disobey the Word of God. If you are concerned with what others think of you, and you should be, then you need to be sure to follow God's Word.

Fifth, in the verse above we see that God gave us the Scriptures to give us peace in life. Peace is not a possession, but it is a result of proper actions. God's Word shows us how to properly live so that we can find the peace in life that we desperately want. If you find your heart is in constant turmoil, then it is only because you are not following the Scriptures. Does that mean trials won't come? Not at all! However, God's Word will give you peace of mind and heart as you go through your trials.

Sixth, in the verse above we see that God gave us the Scriptures to show us how to overcome the world. You will never overcome the power of the world without using God's Word. God's Word is the weapon of choice that God gave the Christian to fight the world and it's influences. Your only chance of being victorious over the world is by using God's Word.

Christian, these six reasons of why God gave us His Word are to help you be victorious in life. Don't let God's Word simply be a decoration in your home. Let It be the very tool you daily use to help you acquire these six things.