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The "Why's" Do Have Answers
Acts 16:33-34
"And he took them the same hour of the night, and washed their stripes; and was baptized, he and all his, straightway. And when he had brought them into his house, he set meat before them, and rejoiced, believing in God with all his house."
Trying to understand why God allows us to go through certain things can be very frustrating, but we must realize that God does have a purpose for all of life's situations. There are no "uh-oh's" with God. Everything that God sends our way has a purpose, and that is why we must make the most of every situation.
Paul and Silas had one of those hard to understand situations in their lives. After preaching to the people of Philippi and seeing many people saved, one man who had an agenda against them brought them to the magistrates and falsely accused them. This false accusation caused them to be beaten and thrown into prison. Though they could not understand why they had to go through this, they made the most of their situation and kept a good attitude. However, in the middle of the night while they sang praises to God, an earthquake opened the doors of their prison. Instead of walking out, they stayed in the prison only to find that the prison keeper almost killed himself had they not intervened. Because of their intervention, they were able to lead this man and his family to Christ.
Why did Paul and Silas have to endure the beating and imprisonment? God allowed them to go through this because He knew they had the opportunity to lead a man and his family to Christ. If Paul and Silas would have griped and complained about their situation, they would not have had the opportunity to lead this prison keeper to Christ. Instead of complaining about a bad situation, they made the most of their situation which resulted in someone being saved.
Christian, I do not pretend to be God, and neither should any other man of God. However, I do know that there is an answer to your "Why." You may be facing some adverse circumstances at the present, but God has a reason for why He allows you to face it. All too often we are so busy complaining about our present situations that we miss the very reason why God sent us through it. There are a couple of things you must do to understand the "Why."
First, realize that everything God sends in your life is not about you. The truth is that many times God sends us through situations for the sake of others. The sickness that you face may be so that you can help someone go through the exact same sickness. The heartbreak you face may be so that you can lead someone to Christ. If we keep an inward approach to life's situations and not an outward approach, then we will never see why God allows us to go through these things. Sure, God may be sending you through your life's situation for your sake, but most likely it is for someone else's sake.
Second, make the most with whatever you are facing. Like the old cliche, make lemonade from your lemons. Find a way to allow good to come through your situation. Don't wait for good to come through it, make it good yourself. Learn from it so you can help others go through the same situation you face. Help others around you who watch you endure your situation by keeping a good attitude. Don't let your life's situation be a wasted time of your life.
Yes, whatever you may be facing at the moment may be hard to take, but God has a reason for you to go through it. Claim God's promises that He guides the paths of our lives, and rest in the assurance this His presence is with you as you go through it. Ask God to help you make the most out of your situation.