This IS Jesus

Matthew 27:37

"And set up over his head his accusation written, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS."

When Jesus was crucified, they nailed a sign over his head that said, "THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS." This sign was not written to honor Him.

It was written in a derogatory manner. These people hated Jesus. They wanted to shame Him in His final moments of life. He had hurt their power over the people with His teachings. Now, they wanted to put what they thought was the final nail in His ministry so that all who saw it would never attempt it again. Though they tried to stop His ministry, we know that they failed and the ministry of Jesus Christ still goes on today.

Though this writing was meant in a derogatory manner, they were right in what they wrote. You will notice that I put emphasis on the word "is." They wanted to make a statement that Jesus was a mere man who made the mistake in challenging their authority, but this Jesus is far more than a mere man. Think with me for a moment as I try to remind you who this Jesus is.

One may ask, "Who is this Jesus?" This Jesus is the Creator of the Universe. Though these people thought they had the power to destroy Him, they didn't understand that He was not just a mere human, but He is the One Who gave them life.

Who is this Jesus? This Jesus is the Son of God. He didn't just become the Son of God as some would like us to believe, but He is the Son of God and has always been the Son of God. He was not the son of Joseph, but He is the Son of God. He was born of a virgin, and not just a young lady. He was virgin born because the Holy Spirit placed the seed inside the womb of Mary. Yes, she was a sinful human, but Jesus Christ is the virgin born, sinless Son of God.

Who is this Jesus? He is the sacrifice for sin. These people thought they killed Jesus, but that is the furthest from the truth. Jesus laid down His life so that their sins could be paid. Yes, He is the sacrificial lamb whose blood is applied upon the mercy seat in Heaven so that we have a way to have our sins atoned. It is only through the blood of this Jesus that anyone's sins can be paid.

Who is this Jesus? He is the first begotten of the dead. He is the first One Who conquered death in His own power. Others before Him who were raised from the dead did not overcome death in their power, but they overcame death through His power. This Jesus is the only One Who has the power over death so that those who trust Him can be part of the resurrection at His coming.

Who is this Jesus? He is the King of the Jews. He is the coming King Who will one day rule the world. He is the King that will come riding on a white horse to conquer the world and the world system. When He reigns there will be peace on Earth for He is the Prince of Peace Who will conquer Satan once and for all.

Who is this Jesus? He is the Saviour of the world. Don't ever forget this! Nobody else or nothing else can save anyone from their sins. Only this Jesus can save people from their sins. Not the priest, Pope, Rabbi, pastor, or religious leader, only this Jesus can save people from their sins.

Friend, if you are saved, this Jesus is your Saviour. Don't ever take for granted Who lives within your soul. You have this Jesus living in your heart. I challenge you to boldly tell everyone who this Jesus is. Don't let the heathen shame you into silence. Around you are people who need this Jesus as their Saviour, tell them Who He is so they can also have the opportunity to make Him their Saviour.