Too Many

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Too Many for God


Judges 7:2

"And the LORD said unto Gideon, The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands, lest Israel vaunt themselves against me, saying, Mine own hand hath saved me."

In the verse above, God made a statement that could almost seem to contradict what He says in other parts of the Scriptures. Of course, the Word of God never contradicts Itself, but this statement could almost be taken that way if you don't look at it in its context. God said, "...The people that are with thee are too many for me to give the Midianites into their hands..." God told Gideon that he had too many people, not that God couldn't work with that amount of people, but that God enjoys working with the remnant crowd or the smaller crowd. God knows that when He takes the remnant and they win that He will receive the glory for the victory.

Christian, this should encourage you. You may not think that you have much to offer God, but let me remind you that God is the God of the little things. It is often with the little things that God does His greatest work. When you think you have no talent and that God could not use you, that is when God steps in and can use you in a great way. God doesn't always look for the talented, but He often uses those who don't have much talent to give.

God used David who was the least likely in his family to be the one whom God would use. God used Moses who had a speech impediment that would seem to hinder him from doing anything great for God. Look at the disciples whom Jesus chose. Most of His disciples were not men of great talent or influence, but they were common men who had great weaknesses. However, God used these men in spite of their lack of talent. There are many in the Scriptures who had nothing to offer, but He chose them and used them in a great way in spite of their weaknesses.

Furthermore, God can use the church that doesn't seem to have much to offer God. I know there are many church members in smaller churches who think that nothing great can come from their church. Christian, let me remind you that most great men of God did not come from large churches, but they came out of a smaller church. You may think that the mega-churches have more to offer, but when you read the story above you will realize that many times the mega-churches are "too many" for God. Not that God can't use the mega-church, but He will often choose to use a church of your size to do great things.

When God made the statement, "...The people that are with thee are too many for me..." He was simply reminding us that He often works with the remnant. Don't lose your faith in the fact that God can save your nation. You may think that there are not many who stand for truth, but God doesn't need many to do a great work. In fact, God will use a remnant to do a great work for Him.

Will you be part of the remnant that God will use? The best way to be used by God is to jump in and do your best with what you have. God doesn't ask for you to have talent or great numbers to be used, He just asks for you to surrender to His will and allow Him to work through you. Great movements always start with one person. Be that one who doesn't wait for the many to do something for God, but is part of the few who jumps in and serves Him with what they have. It is always through the few that God does His greatest work. Though you may not have great talent or a great crowd with you, just do your best and God will do the rest.