Too Much

Joshua 19:9

"Out of the portion of the children of Judah was the inheritance of the children of Simeon: for the part of the children of Judah was too much for them: therefore the children of Simeon had their inheritance within the inheritance of them."

Years ago when I was in high school, I worked for a small paper company that was family owned. At the end of the year, it was very common for the owner of the company to give a bonus to the employees for their hard work. Whenever he had extra money, he was sure to share it with those who helped him make money.

It's interesting in the verse above that it says Judah's land was "too much for them." God had blessed Judah with more land than what they needed. So, instead of hoarding it all to themselves, they shared their inheritance with the children of Simeon. They understood that God's blessings were not for them to keep to themselves, but to share with those who were without.

When you do right and obey God, you will always find that He will bless you with countless blessings. Luke 12:31 says, "But rather seek ye the kingdom of God; and all these things shall be added unto you." Notice, God says He will add unto you. Though life may not always be easy, if you do right God will bless it. The thing about God's blessings is that He will always do more for you than what you do for Him. So, the more you give, the more God can bless you.

However, what do you do when your blessings become "too much?" I know, you may think that will never happen, but if you do right and God blesses you, you will be amazed at the amount of His blessings and how your outlook on what to do with those blessings will change. You will look at what God has given you and realize there are times when He gives "too much."

When God gives "too much," always remember that He didn't give you that much for you to keep, but He gave you that much because He knew He could trust you to share it with others. This is where many people fail and quench God's future blessings. God gave to you to share with others. There is only so much you can take for yourself. After that, you have too much. Let me encourage you to share your "too much" blessings with those who are without.

Furthermore, make it a rule of thumb in your life to share a little of all of your blessings with others. Don't wait until you have "too much" to share, but share with all the blessings God gives to you. Remember Luke 6:38, "Give, and it shall be given unto you;..." If you share with what God blesses you with right now, then He will continue to bless you with more. The way to keep the faucet of God's blessings open is to be a conduit from God to others. You don't have to give all of what God has blessed you with to others, but you should make it a rule to give a percentage of what God has given you to others.

If you're like me, I want God's blessings on my life. I realize that I must earn God's trust to keep those blessings coming, and the way to earn His trust is to share it with those who are without. The next time God blesses you with something, take a portion of that blessing and share it with someone else. You will find that doing so will cause God to give you more because of your attitude of sharing your blessings.