Unwanted Company

Revelation 21:8

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

Has someone ever come to your house who you did not want to come? Unwanted company can certainly ruin a good day. In the verse above, God gives a list of unwanted company. This company is so unwanted that God said they would have their part in Hell. Sadly, many Christians have invited these unwanted guests into their life. Though the Christian will certainly go to Heaven, these unwanted guests should be avoided at all costs. Let me show you these unwanted guests you should avoid.

First, the fearful guest is one who is simply afraid to do the right thing. They fear man more than they fear God. The only one you should fear as a Christian is God. Never be afraid to do the right thing. A proper fear of God will move you not to be afraid of doing the right thing.

Second, the unbelieving guest is one who doesn't believe the right thing is right. This guest influences the Christian to question God. When God commands something through His Word or moves you to do something by faith, never question why God is telling you to do it. Obey God by faith and don't let the unbelieving guest into your decision making.

Third, the abominable guest is one who is hateful. No Christian should be hateful or have spiteful actions. Yes, you should have hatred towards sin, but God despises it when a Christian is hateful or spiteful towards others.

Fourth, the murdering guest is one who has bitterness in their heart towards another. You may never physically kill someone, but have you killed them in your heart? Bitterness should have no part in the life of any Christian.

Fifth, the whoremongering guest is one who lives an immoral life. Christian, you are to live a pure and holy life. Immorality of any sort is hated by God. Christians need to be faithful to their spouse and be pure. This guest always leads to heartache and destruction to relationships.

Sixth, the sorcerer guest is one who substitutes God's power with something else. Have you as a Christian practiced sorcery in your life? Have you substituted God's power with man-made ideas. Nothing is a substitute for God's power. Don't let this unwanted guest in your life.

Seventh, the idolater guest is one who replaces God with objects or people. Is there something that you seek before God? Anything that would cause you not to seek God first is an idol. If God is not your priority in life, then you have allowed this unwanted guest into your heart.

Eighth, the lying guest is simply not telling the truth. Truth must always be the Christian's motto. Telling a lie just to keep from doing something you don't want to do is inviting the unwanted guest of lying into your life. The Christian is to mirror Jesus Christ which means they are to tell the truth at all times and no matter the cost.

I certainly understand this list is for the lost, but it can show the Christian which guests God doesn't want in their life. Let this list of unwanted guest remind you who and what God does not want you to be and do. Only let the guests God would approve of into your life.