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The Voices of Fear or Faith


Matthew 14:32

"And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased."

One of the greatest stories that I enjoy reading in the Scriptures is about Peter walking on water to go to Jesus.  Jesus commanded the disciples to get into the boat and go to the other side.  Yes, Jesus knew that a storm would come and nearly take their lives, but He had a great miracle in store for them if they would listen to His voice.  While they were in the middle of the sea, a fierce storm came, and it was so fierce that it nearly sunk their boat.  While they were rowing as hard as they could to get to land, they saw a figure walking on the water.  Peter, being afraid, cried out only to have a voice come back.  This voice was the voice of Jesus.  Peter asked if it were Jesus to bid him to come unto Him.  To his surprise, Jesus bid him come.  Peter listened and came.  Yes, he failed while walking on the water, but he had the opportunity to walk on water because he didn't listen to the voice of fear.  

There are many Christians who miss the walking on water experience because they listen to the voice of fear.  The other eleven disciples heard the same bidding that Peter heard, but they stayed in the boat while he got out and walked on the water.  Though he heard the voice of fear, he listened to the voice of Jesus and acted on faith which allowed him this great opportunity.  You will never accomplish much in life if you always listen to the voice of fear.  

Christian, whenever faith says to come, you will always hear the voice of fear as well.  The voice of fear is trying to stop you from listening to the voice of faith, but you must listen to faith because it has something great in store for you.  You must always remember that God will never ask you to step out on faith without His presence being near you.  Moreover, when you step out by faith, God expects that you will probably fail.  Yet, that is why He is there to help you out of your failure.  

What is the voice of fear keeping you from doing for God?  What voice are you listening to in your life?  God's will is never going to be easy.  Whenever God's will calls, you can count on the voice of fear sounding off and telling you how foolish you are. If you listen to it, you will be like the eleven disciples who stayed in the boat and you will never experience the walking on water experience of your life.  When God called me to go into full-time evangelism, I heard the voice of fear, but I stepped out on the voice of faith and trusted God, and I can say that I have had the walking on water experience.  It is great, but you must listen to God's bidding and obey.