
peta is up to its eggsasperating tactics again. As reported by The San Francisco Chronicle, a San Jose, CA peta billboard of an egg-faced woman included a message eggsclaiming: “Face it — you can’t claim to be a feminist and eat eggs. Eggs and dairy are a product of the abuse of females.” Apparently, eating eggs eggsploits chickens that self-identify as hens.

peta spokeschick Marissa Price eggsplained, “In this ad, we’re asking people to go vegan in solidarity with female animals who are being sexually abused.” (Which makes absolutely no sense; chickens lay eggs with or without a rooster.) In this #MeToo (#BeakToo?) era, peta says it picked San Jose because it is a city full of “strong women.” For this, eggsceptional brains not required.

From the Limbaugh Letter March 2019