Waiting for the Due Date

Galatians 6:8

"For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting."

There are laws that cannot be changed no matter what you do. For instance, you will not change the law of gravity. What goes up must come down. There is the law of life. What is born must die. Then there is the law of breathing that mandates that after you breathe in you must breathe out.

Yet, there is one law that we must never forget and that is the law of sowing and reaping. The verse above teaches that whatever you sow, you will eventually reap. When you plant an apple seed, you will get an apple tree. Whenever you place a seed of corn in the ground, you will eventually get corn. The law of sowing and reaping cannot be changed.

One of the hardest things for a person to do is overcome a besetting sin. There are many Christians who become frustrated with themselves because they want to do right, but they find themselves doing the opposite of what they set out to do in overcoming sin. God says the only way you will overcome sin is that you must sow to the Spirit. The problem comes when we don't immediately reap what we have sown to the Spirit we become impatient and find ourselves yielding to the flesh. Waiting for the due date of sowing to the Spirit can become frustrating. Let me give you some thoughts that will help you while you wait for the due date of reaping what you've sown to the Spirit.

First, don't become weary with doing good. It is interesting that right after God talks about sowing to the Spirit He says in verse 9, "And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not." God is trying to encourage you not to become weary with doing good. When you feel like there is no progress from doing good, you must keep on doing good. You must not let the delay of the due date cause you to become weary with sowing to the Spirit.

Second, keep records of your progress. One of the reasons we become weary with doing good is because we don't see the progress. We want the fruit of sowing to the Spirit, but you must understand that it will not come immediately; however, there is still progress that could be seen if you were keeping records. Keep records of how you are overcoming the sins of the flesh and you will find that sowing to the Spirit is indeed paying off.

Third, set reminders to continually yield to the Spirit. It may be that you set your watch to beep every hour, and when you hear the beep you take a minute to yield yourself to the Holy Spirit. Little reminders of yielding to the Spirit so you don't become discouraged will help you as the Spirit of God helps you overcome your flesh.

Finally, remind yourself that the due date will come. You must realize that when you sowed to the flesh you weren't anticipating its due date, and that's why you didn't become weary with the due date of sin. Now that you want to do right, you can become discouraged when the due date of sowing to the Spirit when it doesn't come as quickly as you desire. Always remind yourself that the law of sowing and reaping is an unchangeable law, and you will reap good for sowing to the Spirit.

Don't let what seems to be a delay in the due date of doing right discourage you. Just keep on sowing to the Spirit and you will find that you will reap the harvest of conquering sin. The only way you will overcome the sins of the flesh is to keep sowing to the Spirit, and eventually the seeds of the flesh will die. Don't quit in your fight against the flesh. Your due date for doing right is near.