What is...

What is the Love of God?

1 John 3:16

"Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren."

John 3:16 and 1 John 3:16 are not only tied together because of their chapter and verse being the same, but they are also tied together because their message is the same. Though some may think that this is a coincidence, I believe there are no coincidences with God, and that on purpose He placed it in the Scriptures this way. God wants you to think of His love whenever you think of these verses. But, what is the love of God?

First, God's love is being willing to give up your life for another. God defines His love in the verse above, but He illustrated this love in John 3:16. Jesus showed us how much He loves us by giving His life for the world. The greatest love that anyone can show to another is to be willing to give up their life for someone else. This is not only being willing to die for someone else, though it is definitely that, but I believe it is more than that. Giving up your life for someone else is being willing to give up your ambitions and dreams for the sake of another. Only the love of God dwelling in the heart of an individual can move them to do this.

Second, God's love is keeping His commandments. Throughout the whole book of 1 John you will see that if you love God, you will keep His commandments. This is God's love for several reasons, but the biggest reason is because you're obeying Him even when there are times when your flesh does not desire to do right. When you show God that you are willing to follow His commandments in spite of what your flesh desires, then He can see that His love dwells in you. Furthermore, by keeping God's commandments you show God's love to others in that you don't want to hurt them. Sin always hurts, and it especially hurts those whom you say that you love. When you truly love someone, you will find that you will do right to keep from hurting them.

Third, Romans 8:39 says that God's love is inseparable. When you have the love of God dwelling in your heart, then you will find that nothing will cause you to stop loving someone. It doesn't matter what they do to you, or how deep they go into sin, if the love of God dwells in you then you will continue to love that person.

Fourth, 2 Thessalonians 3:5 says that the love of God is patient. If you are having a hard time being patient with someone, it is because you lack the love of God. The love of God is patient with those who try your patience. The love of God believes that one day the other person will do better. The love of God believes that one day the other person will start doing right. The love of God is patient with those who don't deserve patience.

Fifth, Jude 1:21 says that the love of God is merciful. I love this because God's mercy kept Him from sending me to Hell. Likewise, God's mercy has kept His judgment from being executed on your life. When you have the love of God dwelling in you, then you will find mercy for those who deserve punishment. The love of God will tell you that they deserve another chance.

This love of God is certainly worth having. However, how do you get such love? Notice that the love of God is of God. This love can come from no where else other than God. Christian, until you start spending time walking with God you will never have this love in you. Yes, this world needs to see the love of God, but they only way they will see it is through your life. You need to be sure that you spend time walking with God so that those whom you know can see the love of God in your life.