What's Your Excuse?

Matthew 10:32

"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven."

My mother would often say, "Excuses are the skin of the truth, packed with a lie." This is so true! It is amazing how people come up with excuses as to why they can't serve the LORD. In Mathew 10, Jesus shows the excuses people use for not serving Him. Though people may use these excuses, the fact is their excuse is simply a lie. Let me show you some of the common excuses people use for not serving the LORD.

First, the fear of man has caused many not to serve the LORD. Jesus said in verse 28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." It's amazing that we fear those who can truly do nothing to our soul. The fear of man has caused many people to compromise. The fear of man has caused many to never step out by faith and serve the LORD. You cannot be afraid of what man will say about you if your are going to be successful in serving the LORD. If you are going to successfully serve the LORD, then you are going to have to have thick skin and not let man's words or actions cause you to step back from serving Him.

Second, the desire for peace has caused many not to serve the LORD. Verse 34 teaches us that if you serve the LORD, you will fight battles. You cannot let the battle cause you to run from serving the LORD. Too many Christians are so interested in getting along with everyone that they won't give their all to God. If you succeed in serving the LORD, then you will have to face battles.

Third, the desire to be with family has caused many to not serve the LORD. This one amazes me because I've heard many people teach that you should go wherever God wants, but when it comes down to leaving family they won't go. There is nothing wrong with desiring to be near your children or parents, but most of the time I have seen that God calls people away from family. Jesus says that if you are not willing to leave your family to serve Him, then you are not worthy of Him.

Fourth, hardships cause people not to serve the LORD. Jesus talks about taking up your cross and serving Him. Many have stopped serving the LORD because of a cross they had to bear. If Jesus can bear a cross for you, then you should be willing to bear your cross and serve Him.

Fifth, sacrificing personal dreams has caused many to not serve the LORD. Jesus says that if you are going to serve Him, then you must be willing to lose your life. He is teaching that your dreams must be sacrificed if you are going to serve Him. Sadly, personal dreams have kept many from serving the LORD. They don't want to give up their dreams for the cause of Christ.

Let me ask you, what is your excuse? Which one of these things is keeping you from serving the LORD? I will testify that none of these things will satisfy like Jesus. Whatever is keeping you from serving the LORD, I challenge you to lay it aside for the cause of Christ. There is no excuse that should keep you from serving the LORD. Lay your excuses aside and fulfill the will of God to confess Him before men.