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When God Can't Be Found


Job 23:3

"Oh that I knew where I might find him! that I might come even to his seat!"

Have you ever felt in your life that God was nowhere to be found? In the verse above, Job felt that way. Of course, he was going through the battle of his life when he made this statement. At the time of this statement, Job was defending himself from the attacks of three men, and was still battling his health and grief from his loss. It was during this time that Job felt that he could not find God. Yet, when you come to the end of the book of Job, you can see that God was right there with him even though he couldn't find Him.

Often, when going through great trials, it seems that God is nowhere to be found. The reason is because the physical trials that we face seem to overwhelm us. When we are overwhelmed with trials, as humans all we seem to see is what is causing our pain. However, we must understand that God has promised that He would never leave us or forsake us. Let me give you some suggestions of what to do when it seems that God cannot be found.

First, though you can't find God, He has found you. Job 23:10 says, "But he knoweth the way that I take:..." Though Job felt that he could not find God, he acknowledged in the same conversation that God already knew where he was. Christian, you may think that God is nowhere to be found, but you must understand that He knows the path that you are taking. That would mean that if God knows the path that you are taking, then He is already on that path with you. Just because you can't see God does not mean that He is not there. The disciples couldn't see God when they were out on the lake, but He was right there with them in their storms. When you can't find God, you must remember that He has already found you.

Second, stop comparing! One of the mistakes that Job made in his time of trial was that he compared the heathen to himself. Job constantly looked at how it seemed that the heathen got away with their lifestyle. Christian, don't fall for the trap of looking at the heathen and wondering why they seem to be able to live their wicked lifestyle and get away with it. You must understand that their day will come. Many of the heathen will pay for their sins in Hell. If you are saved, you will get to live for an eternity in Heaven. Furthermore, the heathen do pay for their lifestyle. We often don't see it because when they are paying for it the world will not advertise it. The world only advertises sin when it looks good, it never shows the end result. If you keep on comparing the heathen's lifestyle with serving God, then you could very well talk yourself into living their life, only to make your situation worse.

Last, stop looking for God and start serving Him. The best way to find God when you can't see Him is to serve Him. God tends to reveal Himself to you when you are serving Him. As hard as it may be when you are going through trials, you must stir yourself to serve God. Don't let your hardships keep you from serving Him, but with the strength you have serve God. You will find that when you start serving God that you will take your eyes off of your problems. When you take your eyes off of your problems you will see that God is there with you.

Yes, we all have those times when it is hard to find God. Most likely the reason we can't find God is because our eyes are on the problems which keep us from seeing Him. When the time comes when you can't seem to find God, get busy and serve Him, and you will find that He has always been there with you, even when you thought you could not find Him.