When the Adversaries Come

Ezra 4:1

"Now when the adversaries of Judah and Benjamin heard that the children of the captivity builded the temple unto the LORD God of Israel;"

Whenever you start doing a work for God, you will find that the adversaries will come out. Ezra saw this happen when he endeavored to rebuild the temple. His adversaries tried several approaches to hinder the building of the temple, and there was a point when they actually got him to stop. Thankfully, you'll see that Ezra finished rebuilding the temple in spite of his adversaries.

What was the purpose of these adversaries? First, God allowed them to come so that Ezra and the people would rely more on Him. Second, God allowed them to come to see what it would take to get them to stop. Third, God allowed them to come so that His power could be seen. The adversaries will try anything to get you to withdraw from God's work, but you must keep on going in spite of the tactics they use to get you to stop. When the adversary comes your way, there are some things you should do.

First, when the adversary comes your way, keep doing what you started out to do. God called you to do something, and you cannot allow their tactics to stop you from God's will. Throughout the years of my ministry, I have encountered scores of adversaries, but I had to stay focused on God's calling for my life. The only reason the adversary will start bothering you is because you started doing something for God. The adversary was already there before you started doing something for God, so you must realize that your adversary is simply trying to get you to stop your work for God.

Second, when the adversary comes your way, don't allow them to sidetrack you from the work God has for you. If you are not careful, you will start focusing on the adversary instead on what you should be doing. The adversary would love for you to do this for this will give the adversary credibility. Don't give your adversary credibility by focusing on them. Keep doing what you are supposed to do. Stay focused upon the work of God. The work of God is the greatest work, and you must not allow your adversary to sidetrack you.

Third, when the adversary comes your way, don't let their threats scare you. The adversary will throw threats and accusations your way, but you must keep on going. Ezra heard the threats and accusations, and he could have focused upon them, but he didn't. What the adversary throws at you may be completely untrue, but you must not let their threats and accusations cause you to back off from what you are doing for God.

Fourth, when the adversary comes your way, don't quit! Sadly, Ezra quit for a time, but eventually he got back to rebuilding the temple. Whatever or whoever your adversary is, don't let them have the pleasure of causing you to quit. If anything ought to keep you going, it ought to be the desire to prove the adversary wrong.

What adversary do you face today? Maybe your adversary is a health problem, financial struggle, family issues or an enemy who is trying to destroy you. In whatever form your adversary comes, don't let it keep you from what you know God wants you to do. Keep doing right and finish what you and God set out to do. When you keep going and eventually finish what you are doing, it will show the foolishness of the adversary, and you will then be vindicated.