Why There Was a Pentecost

Acts 2:41

"Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls."

The results that happened on the day of Pentecost in the Book of Acts have been studied, taught and preached about for decades. This one event is one of the most talked about events in the Scriptures. Certainly, every preacher has preached about the three thousand souls that were saved.

What is often missed is that without the Gospels there would be no three thousand souls saved on the day of Pentecost. We love talking about the souls saved, but before that could happen, Jesus spent three years discipling these people which enabled this day to happen. Every Christian would love to see the results that happened on that day, and every Christian would love to see a church that turned their world upside down, but it will never happen without Christians following the steps of discipleship before that day. Let me show you these steps.

The first step is to lead people to Jesus Christ. Jesus was a soul winner. Every one of the Apostles were saved because Jesus was a soul winner. People talk about discipleship all the time, but the most important element that leads to this step is people getting saved. People are not going to get saved without Christians being soul winners. You will never see a Pentecost in your lifetime if you are not a soul winner.

The second step is asking people to follow you. The best discipleship model to follow is what Jesus Christ did. Jesus said to the disciples, "Follow me." Discipleship is more than sitting down and showing people what they believe, this is certainly important, but it is also having them go with you as you serve God. Have you ever asked someone to come with you to church on Sunday night or Wednesday night? Young Christians will not become regular church attenders without you asking them to come with you. Have you asked young Christians to go soul winning with you? Get out of your comfort zone of going with someone who knows how to be a soul winner and ask someone who has never led someone to Christ to go with you. This is true discipleship.

The third step is to be patient while Christians grow. Look at the longsuffering of Jesus with His disciples. When they messed up, He didn't give up on them. Think about this, He spent three years of putting up with their up and down Christianity. In fact, just a few days before the day of Pentecost happened, Jesus had to bring His disciples back from fishing. Discipleship takes patience with those who are growing. You can't expect them to get where they are supposed to be overnight. When they slip up and regress, you need to go and help them get back on track. It will take time, but if you are patient you will see them grow.

The fourth step is teaching them to walk with God. The time these Christians spent in prayer must not be overlooked. Pentecost would not have happened had they not prayed. Part of discipleship is showing people how to pray. When you are trying to help someone grow, pray with them regularly so they learn how to pray.

The fifth step is sending them out on their own to reach people for Christ and start the process you took with them. Discipleship is not about giving them head knowledge; it is teaching them so they will go out on their own and start discipling others.

Friend, who are you currently discipling? I'm for soul winning, but take those whom you have led to Christ and show them how you do it. This is the Scriptural method that must be followed if we are going to turn our world upside down for Christ.