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Working for the Unsaved

1 Kings 18:3

"And Ahab called Obadiah, which was the governor of his house. (Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly:"

One thing most people cannot get out of is working for people who are unsaved. For most, working with the unsaved is difficult because of the atmosphere in which they must work. Obadiah could certainly understand the difficulties of working with the unsaved. Obadiah's boss was Ahab. According to the Scriptures, no king worked more wickedness than Ahab. Yet, in God's commentary about Obadiah He said, "Now Obadiah feared the LORD greatly:..." Though Obadiah worked for an evil man, he still kept his walk with the LORD in tact. His testimony was the key to getting God's attention. Let me show you a few ways to keep your testimony as you work for the unsaved.

First, be dependable. Obadiah must have been a dependable man for Ahab to give him a job that only he and Ahab could do. When working for the unsaved, you must do your best to be dependable. Be dependable by being at work every day. Though you may not always feel like going to work, you should be sure to be there unless your health would be harmed or others would be harmed by you being there. Just because you have sick days to use does not give you the right to take off. Being at your place of work day in and day out will help your unsaved boss to depend on you.

Second, be trustworthy. Ahab had to trust Obadiah in order to give him a position of governor. You won't give somebody a high position who is not trustworthy. You need to be sure to be a trustworthy person on the job. Be careful not to steal minutes from your boss. What I mean by this statement is you should not take extra minutes during your break time. If your boss gives you a ten minute break, then only take ten minutes. Likewise, don't take materials from the job site without first asking your boss. Taking for granted that it will be fine to take materials is nothing more than stealing. It does not matter that everyone else may do it, be trustworthy and ask before you take materials.

Third, work hard. When Obadiah was given the job of finding grass for the cattle, he immediately went and started searching. The best way to build a testimony with an unsaved boss is to be the hardest worker where you work. Though we are not in competition with the unsaved, there should never be an unsaved person who works harder than a saved person. You represent Christ on the job, and He would want you to be a hard worker.

Fourth, don't participate in the ungodly practices of those with whom you work. When Jezebel killed the prophets of God, Obadiah did right and hid as many prophets as he could. Often in the workplace there are sinful things that take place. Be sure that you don't participate in these practices. If they go and party; don't go to the parties. Your testimony is more important than trying to appease their criticisms of you.

Most Christians will have to work for the unsaved. One of the best ways to win them to Christ is to build a testimony of being the best employee in the workplace. When you keep your Christian testimony by doing right and working hard, then they will turn to you when they need someone to help them.