2 Corinthians 6:1
“We then, as workers together with him, beseech you also that ye receive not the grace of God in vain.”
Life consists of relationships. You cannot make it in life without building relationships. The business person is building relationships with those to whom they desire to do business. Developing the right relationships in business will determine the success of that business.
Likewise, the success of your Christian life will be determined by your relationships. The first relationship you must make sure is right is your relationship with God. The second relationship you will have to guard is your relationship with man. The verse above is talking about your relationship with man. You are going to work together with others, but you better be sure you are working together with the right people if you want to please the LORD. In this chapter, God gives three principles to follow to show how you can successfully work together with mankind and still please Him.
First, you must have the mindset that you are continually proving yourself to others. Verse 3-4 says, “Giving no offence in any thing, that the ministry be not blamed: But in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God…” You are a spectacle to the world. The world watches how you conduct yourself in the midst of trials and your daily walk. God warns the Christian that they are to live their lives in such a holy manner that the ministry cannot be blamed. Friend, don't take for granted that people know your intentions. Always live your life above board so that others will have no reason to point their fingers at Christianity because of your lifestyle.
Second, don't change your yoke to be yoked. Verse 14 says, “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness?” The Devil’s tactic is to get you to move one time. Avoid relationships that would cause you to have to leave your yoke for theirs. The best relationship is the discovered relationship; you discover the other person by being in the same yoke. If you have to ask yourself if a relationship would be unequally yoked, you have probably already answered your question. You will never question if someone is in the same yoke; it will be obvious. Don't ever let your emotions woo you into leaving the LORD’s yoke for another. Don't feel that you have to be yoked up with someone. Enjoy being in the yoke with Christ and you will discover those relationships that are equally yoked.
Third, only work with those who agree in direction. Verse 16 says,“And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols…” Two cannot walk together unless they are in agreement concerning direction. Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” Be sure every relationship is one where your direction agrees. There are people who you might want to work with who are positionally the same as you, but they are directionally different from you. You will never work together successfully if your agreement is not the same. Eventually, someone will change, and most likely it will be you.
Relationships are only successful when they are positionally and directionally together. If you will follow the three principles presented in this devotional, they will guard you against relationships that will be hurtful or damaging.