Your End is His Beginning

Exodus 3:6

"Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God."

If there was one thing that epitomized the life of Moses it was that he had a close relationship with God.

His relationship was so close that he knew God face to face. You would be hard pressed to find anyone in the Scriptures who talked face to face with God as much as Moses did.

In the verse above, you see that this was the first time in Moses' life that he came face to face with God. Before he ever came face to face with God, he had to come to the end of a few things in his own life. Yet, when he came to the end of those things, the beginning of a relationship with God that lasted a lifetime began.

First, Moses had to come to the end of the world before he could see God. Egypt is a picture of the world, and Moses had to forsake his associations with the world before God would come to him face to face. Moses had close ties to the world. Pharaoh's daughter was recognized as his stepmother. He was reared in Egypt's education system. He easily could have taken the treasures and luxuries of his associations that came with being recognized as the son of Pharaoh's daughter. Yet, he gave up the world and its pleasures so that he could have a close relationship with God.

You will never find yourself in a close relationship with God until you are willing to give up the world. The world truly has nothing to offer you. You may be thinking you are giving up a lot, but look at what you gain by giving up the world. You gain the presence of God. Until you give up the world, you will never have a close relationship with Him.

Second, Moses had to come to the end of himself. Moses tried to work things out himself when he saw his brethren being beaten. He tried to take things into his own hands. It wasn't until he stopped trying to do God's work and let God do His work through him that he had a face-to-face relationship with God.

You can try to work everything out yourself, but God will only come close to those who rely wholly upon Him. In and of yourself you don't have the power to work things out. If you ever want to be close to God, then you must simply be a conduit for God to work through you. Stop trying to work everything out yourself.

Third, Moses had to acknowledge the deity, power and righteousness of God before he could have a face-to-face relationship with Him. In other words, all pride had to be gone. You will never have a close relationship with God until you truly understand the God Whom you serve. When you realize you are nothing and He is everything, then you will find that close relationship with God.

Do you desire to have a close relationship with God as Moses did? Then you must come to the end of these three things before you begin a walk with God like Moses. When you come to the end and begin the relationship with God, you will find your life will be forever changed. People will see you differently, and God will become your whole purpose for living.