Proverbs 5:3-4
“For the lips of a strange woman drop as an honeycomb, and her
mouth is smoother than oil: But her end is bitter as wormwood, sharp as a
twoedged sword”
In most vehicles there are warning lights in the dashboard to tell
you that something is wrong. It may be a check engine light to tell you
that something is wrong with a sensor or the engine. It could be a light
to warn you that the air pressure is low in a tire. It could also be a
light to warn you that the oil in your engine is low. Ignoring these
lights can have costly consequences. As much as you hate those lights
when they come on, continuing to drive without addressing the problem
will end up costing you more money than if you had addressed the problem
when it first came on.
God gives some warning lights about the strange woman. It is truly
sad to see people walk down the road where the purity of a youth is
destroyed or the joy of marriage is severed. There are four definite
warning lights that warn you about someone who is about ready to destroy
their life with a strange woman.
First, verse 12 says that they hate instruction. In other words,
they hate it when someone comes to instruct them on what they need to
do. I’m always amazed how someone will try to help another get their
lives out of a mess, but their instruction is truly hated. You may think
you have everything under control, but your warning light is on when
you hate the instruction of those who are trying to help.
Second, verse 12 shows that they despise those who expose their
wrong. I have seen this happen time and time again where someone is
shown the evidence of their wrong, and instead of correcting their wrong
they turn on the one who reveals it. The one showing you your wrong is
not your enemy. They are the one who is trying to help you get your life
back together before it’s destroyed. When you find yourself attacking
those who are showing you your wrong, then you better realize that your
warning light is on.
Third, verse 13 shows they refuse the teachings they once followed.
Why is it that something used to be right, but now what you once used
to believe is seen differently now that it disagrees with your current
life situation? Justifying your sin by refusing the truths you once held
will not halt the consequences of sin. You can redefine the Scriptures
and what they teach to match your lifestyle, but that doesn't change
that what you are doing is wrong.
Fourth, verse 13 shows they refuse the advice of those who are
trying to help them turn things around. Your warning light is on when
you disdain what you are told you need to do to get help. Sin always has
a way of getting you to hate the very advice that will help you turn
your life around. Don't refuse this advice. It is there to help you turn
things around and to save you from heartache.
Is your warning light on? The end of refusing God’s warning lights
is a loss of honor and all that you have invested your life in. The end
is bitterness and the pain it causes. Let me encourage you to heed the
warnings of your warning light. They are not there to hurt you or
destroy you, but they are there to help you. If you will heed the
warnings of your warning light, then you will continue to enjoy the
blessings God has for your life.