You're Condemning Yourself

Job 15:6

"Thine own mouth condemneth thee, and not I: yea, thine own lips testify against thee."

In an attack against Job, Eliphaz said that Job's own mouth condemned him.

Eliphaz was using the words of Job against him in his condemnation. Though Eliphaz and his friends were wrong in their condemnation, he was right in that Job's words condemned him. They condemned him in that he was a good man. They condemned him in that he loved the LORD. They condemned him in that he was filled with pride. Job's words condemned him in both a good and bad way.

If you listen to a person long enough, you will always find out who they truly are and what they believe. Every person always says enough to condemn themselves. They may condemn themselves in a good way or they may condemn themselves in a bad way. Let me give you some cautions about the words you say.

First, be slow to speak. Quick answers get many people in trouble. Quick answers don't always reveal your true heart, they simply reveal what you feel in the heat of the moment. You would be wise to slow down and think before you say anything. Don't be a person who is always having to apologize for saying something in the heat of the moment.

Second, speak as though someone is always listening. One of the mistakes many people make is that they say something privately thinking that nobody will hear, but you never know who is around the corner or who is recording what you say. You must always speak as if you are being recorded and that it may be used against you in the future. If you would not want someone to hear what you say, then don't say it for they will probably find out. Always remember that as soon as words come from your lips they will be heard and used against you for good or bad.

Third, don't speak lies. The problem with telling lies is that you must remember which lie you told and to whom you told it. The best thing you could do is to tell the truth at all times. Tell the truth because it is the right thing to do, but also tell the truth because your memory is not good enough to remember your lies.

Fourth, be careful with what you write. Many people get themselves in trouble by writing something they wish they had never written. I've always told people what you write is forever inscribed and will be used against you. Be careful with what you write on your social networking sites. Be careful with what you text, for you might accidentally text it to the wrong person. The best rule to live by is to only write what you want everyone to read.

Fifth, keep a pure heart and you will speak the right things. The best way to keep your words right is to keep your heart right. If your heart is right, then your words will be right. You may be able to protect what you say if your heart is not right, but eventually what is in your heart will eventually leak out into words. Keep right with God and your words will be wholesome words.

What have you said lately that will be used against you? Would you want everything you have said in the past month to be broadcasted to everyone? Let what you say condemn you for good. Always keep in mind that every word you write or say will be used against you. Don't let your words condemn you for wrong, but let them condemn you for good.