Sarah Palin: The Army’s Loss in Dis-Inviting a Good Man | Facebook

My, have things changed. I was honored to have Rev. Franklin Graham speak at my Governor’s Prayer Breakfasts. His good work in Alaska’s Native villages and his charitable efforts all over the world stem from his servant’s heart. In my years of knowing him, I’ve never found his tempered and biblically-based comments to be offensive – in fact his words have been encouraging and full of real hope.

It’s truly a sad day when such a fine patriotic man, whose son is serving on his fourth deployment in Afghanistan to protect our freedom of speech and religion, is dis-invited from speaking at the Pentagon’s National Day of Prayer service. His comments in 2001 were aimed at those who are so radical that they would kill innocent people and subjugate women in the name of religion.

Are we really so hyper-politically correct that we can’t abide a Christian minister who expresses his views on matters of faith? What a shame. Yes, things have changed.

- Sarah Palin

Paul H. Rubin: Environmentalism as Religion -

God may or may not have created the world—there is no way of knowing, although we do know that the biblical creation story is scientifically incorrect.

These idiots make statements and just expect us to believe it. He cannot possible "Know" the Biblical creation account is incorrect. Presumably he was there or knows somebody that was present at creation to "Know" that what God tells us is wrong. The arrogance of these itty bitty liberal minds is incredible

Michio Kaku: What Next From Iceland's Volcano? -

"The fact that humans are about 99.9% genetically identical could, according to one theory, be traced back to the Toba eruption in Indonesia roughly 70,000 years ago. That eruption might have killed off most of the human race, leaving only a few hundred of us to populate the planet. We might, therefore, owe our evolution and very existence to volcanoes."

They keep trying to explain things without God. "99.9% genetically identical" needs no more than Adam and Eve to explain it. And by the way, it was not 70,000 years ago!