A Friend Betrayed - IBD - Investors.com

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has decided not to attend President Obama's nuclear security summit. He's worried his nation of 7 million will be ganged up on. Is this how we treat friends?

The U.S. has no better ally in the Mideast than Israel. We are largely responsible for Israel's creation, and ties of blood, history and common security interests knit us together.

God says that those that bless Israel will be blessed and those that curse...

This is frightening. Please read the entire article by clicking on the via link above.

New MP3 album now available!

We have just added the 2001 sermon DVD to our store. (Be sure to read the information on the store page, this is not video.)

This disc includes 3 entire sermon series!

  • Heaven by Dr. Jack Hyles
  • Justice by Dr. Jack Hyles
  • Proverbs by Dr. Jack Hyles

There is also a year of morning and evening Sunday sermons by both Bro. Schaap and Bro. Hyles.


Visit the store now!

Ex-Muslim teen seeks U.S. refuge - Washington Times

COLUMBUS, Ohio | A teenage girl who converted to Christianity and ran away from home is being blocked by her Muslim parents from fighting the possibility of deportation, her attorney told a judge Monday in an ongoing custody dispute.

Rifqa Bary, 17, who fled home last year and stayed with a Florida minister whom she met on Facebook, is an illegal immigrant and does not want to be returned to her native Sri Lanka because she fears being harmed or killed. All four major schools of Islamic jurisprudence recommend death as the penalty for conversion from Islam.

This from the "religion of peace".

Letter from Hell

I received the following in an email, the author is not known. The lesson from this will be self evident.


One day a woman named Louise fell asleep in her bed, and dreamed
a very fitful dream. She dreamed that someone in Hell wrote a letter
to her, and it was to be delivered to her by a messenger.
The messenger passed between the lakes of burning fire and
brimstone that occupies Hell, and found his way to the door
that would lead him to the outside world. Louise dreamed that the
messenger walked to her house, came inside, and gently but firmly
woke Louise up. He gave her the message, saying only that a friend
had wrote it to her from Hell. Louise, in her dream, with trembling
hands took the letter and read:

My Friend, I stand in Judgment now, 
And feel that you're to blame somehow. 
On earth, I walked with you day by day, 
And never did you point the way. 
You knew the Lord in truth and glory, 
But never did you tell the story. 
My knowledge then was very dim; 
You could have led me safe to Him. 
Though we lived together on the earth, 
You never told me of the second birth, 
And now I stand this day condemned, 
Because you failed to mention Him. 
You taught me many things, that's true, 
I called you "friend" and trusted you, 
But I learn now that it's too late, 
You could have kept me from this fate. 
We walked by day and talked by night, 
And yet you showed me not the Light. 
You let me live, and love, and die, 
You knew I'd never live on high. 
Yes, I called you a "friend" in life, 
And trusted you through joy and strife. 
And yet on coming to the end, 
I cannot, now, call you "My Friend." 


After reading the letter, Louise awoke. The dream was still so real in 
her mind and sweat dropped from her body in pools. She swore she
could still smell the acrid smell of brimstone and smoke from her
room. As she contemplated the meaning of her dream, she realized
that as a Christian, she has failed in her duty to "go out to all the world
and preach the gospel." As she thought of that, she promised herself
that the next day, she would call Marsha and invite her to church with
her. The next morning she called Marsha and this was the conversation:

"Yes, Bill, Is Marsha there?" 
"Louise, you don't know?" 
"No, Bill, know what?" 
"Marsha WAS KILLED LAST NIGHT IN A CAR ACCIDENT. I thought you had known."

Fellow Christian, is this your testimony? Are you witnessing to your 
friends that you are with everyday? Or will there be a friend of yours 
in hell, asking you why you did not tell them about JESUS?