Christmas at Baptist City

We have added some of our favorite Christmas sermons and music to our site for the rest of December. All of it is delightful! The four weekly sermons for the week of 11/25/07 are also ready for you. Remember Bro. Schapp's sermons are no longer re-runs! For that matter, neither are Bro. Hyles'. We started posting Bro. Hyles in 1998, so there are still 21 more years of weekly sermons until re-runs will start!!

What we've all been waiting for!!

We are very happy to once again bring you sermons by Bro. Schaap that have never appeared on the site before. Beginning with sermons for the week of 11/18/07 and going forward we will post sermons new to the web! The most current sermons will always be at the top of the home page as Sermons of the Week. On our listen page you will find an entire year of sermons by both Bro. Schaap and Bro. Hyles! Four beauties for you this week!

Music, Preaching and More!

The sermons for the week of 11/11/07 are now available for you at We have added another CD by Committed Quartet for your listening pleasure. The November issue of "The Voice" also awaits you. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and be sure to give thanks! Enjoy!!


The four sermons for the week of 11/4/07 are now available on our site.  The evening sermon by each preacher are must listens!  Bro. Hyles' "Guarding the Vineyard" and Bro. Schapp's "Ten Times Better" should be required listening in your home. The morning sermons aren't bad either!

Music and More!

Our full regular Saturday update is back!  We have the music from the services of 10/28/07 and the next in the Making Wise the Simple series. It is titled Doors that open to unclean spirits. There is only one more left in the series! The last song in the music is By Bro. Bill Burr. Those of you that know and love him will want to here this. As you may know he is not in good health and has not been traveling, preaching or singing at all. Bro. Schaap told him that whenever he felt up to it and wants to sing to just come up and do it.  He did that last Sunday night. He chatted with us a little bit while he caught his breadth and then sang. You will hear it all. Enjoy! 

A Multitude of Great Preaching and Teaching!

Hi Friends, We have the sermons for the week of 10/21/07 up and waiting for you. Additionally there are 3 new lessons in the "Making Wise the Simple" series. Only 2 more to go! These are a great resource for you, please listen to them if you have anything at all to do with young people.Even if you don't you will benefit from these wonderful Bible studies by Bro. Schaap!