Its a blizzard out there!

Well there is a blizzard happening at this moment in the Chicago area, but we have some great preaching to warm up your night! The sermons for the week of February 4, 2007 are now ready. "Just Hang In There" by Bro. Hyles is another "classic"! Enjoy!

Building Your Inner Man...

The weekend update is ready for your enjoyment with music from the services of 2/4/07 and the next in the Making Wise the Simple series. You may remember that Dr. Tom Malone went on to Heaven last month. On February 8th, his son, Tom, also took off for Heaven.


The four sermons for the week of 1/28/07 are up and waiting for you! How fitting that both sermons by Bro. Hyles are "classic" Bro. Hyles. The anniversary of his promotion to Heaven was 2/6/07. There are also two great sermons from Bro. Schaap's first year as our Preacher,

Dr. Tom Williams

We have the sermons for the week of 1/21/07 ready for you. We had a treat last Sunday. Dr. Tom Williams taught the Auditorium Class in Sunday School! We wanted you all to be able to hear this giant of the faith and you can hear him preach the Sunday School lesson on our home page for a limited time!