
Helping the Helper

Job 29:25

"I chose out their way, and sat chief, and dwelt as a king in the army, as one that comforteth the mourners."

When Job was going through the roughest time of his life, you would think that those whom he helped would be there to help him. However, when you read Job 29, you find that Job comments about those whom he helped. My question is this, where are those whom he helped? Where are those whom he helped who could not see the way? Where are the poor to whom he gave in their time of need? Where are those whom he protected from evil? It's sad to think that Job helped many people in his lifetime, and yet when he was going through the biggest struggles of his life, no one was there to comfort and help him.

Job's story reminds me of another story, and that is the story of our Saviour. Mark 14:50 says, "And they all forsook him, and fled." Jesus spent His life helping others. Yet, at the time when He needed people the most, they forsook Him and fled. Where were those to whom He gave sight? Where were those whom He helped to walk again? Where were those whom He raised the dead? Where were those whom He taught from the Scriptures and helped their lives? Where were those whose lives were a wreck when His words turned their life around? Where were the disciples of Jesus who followed Him for three years, whom He helped with whatever problem they had? Where were those whose lives were literally changed by the words that He spoke? Where were they?

What is sad about these two stories is that both Jesus and Job helped people in their lifetime, and yet in their greatest time of need no one was there to help and encourage them. Why were they not there? The Scriptures do not tell us why, but I have a feeling I know why they were not there. Some weren't there because it was inconvenient. Some were not there because they were too busy. Some were not there because they were ungrateful. Some were not there because it would hurt their reputation with others. I don't know why they were not there, I just know that nobody was there in their time of need.

Christian, have you ever wondered where those whom you tried to help are when you are going through your greatest time of need? Let me encourage you that God takes record of everything that you do. You may think that no one is there to help you when you are facing your greatest need, but I can assure you that Christ will be there for you, for He promises to never leave you. God takes record of all that we do, and He will reward you in due time.

Furthermore, don't be guilty of not being there for those who've helped you. Don't be guilty of getting so wrapped up in your life that when others are going through rough times you are not there to help them. One of the greatest needs in Christianity is for God's people to learn to forget about themselves and care for the needs of others. If you want people to be there for you when you are going through rough times, then you better be there for them when they go through rough times.

Life is not about you and what you get, life is about helping others. Joy does not come by others helping you, but joy comes by you helping others. Yes, you will be inconvenienced when you have to help others. Yes, you will have to take time away from your busy schedule to help others. Yes, there may be times when you help others whom you will be criticized for standing with in their greatest time of need. However, you will find the reward is great when you help others. You will find that the fulfillment from helping others is far beyond what words can express. Be sure in your life to help others in their time of need. Also, be sure to be a help to your helper.


The Greatness of God

Job 11:7

"Canst thou by searching find out God? canst thou find out the Almighty unto perfection?"

The verse above asked if you could "...find out God?" This question literally was a statement about the greatness of God. When you read the following verses, you find that God is greater than you can imagine. Even when you think you have figured out His greatness, you will still discover more.

I can personally testify of the greatness of God. As of the writing of this devotional, I have been saved for over thirty-eight years. I was a young boy when I got saved, and my mind was very simple. However, through many years of serving God and studying His Word, I have found that the greatness of God is like a treasure that never ends. Let me show you some of the facts about His greatness from these verses.

First, He is a perfect God. The verse above talks about finding out His perfection. When I say perfect, I am using two definitions. First, God is perfect with any faults. In others words, He is a sinless God. Aren't you glad that you serve a God Who has no faults? There are many other gods in this world who have faults, but our God is a perfect God, without fault. The second definition is that He is a complete God. In other words, God does not have to mature more in any area for He is the epitome of maturity. As humans we are constantly maturing to the day of our death. However, God is the model of maturity that we all should strive to attain.

Second, He is an all-knowing God. Verse 8 describes His knowledge. It doesn't matter where you go, God knows what you do. You may think that you can sin and get away with it, but God knows all things. You may also think that nobody notices the good that you do, but God sees and knows it for He knows all things. This thought is both convicting and assuring because no matter what we do, He knows what we have done.

Third, He is an immeasurable God. Verse 9 challenges the reader to try to measure God. Christian, you may think you have God figured out, but when you do, you will find another aspect of His greatness. That is one thing I love about serving God is that every day His greatness is greater and His sweetness is sweeter. Yes, God is an immeasurable God.

Fourth, He is an all-powerful God. Verse 10 asks if you can hinder Him. There is nothing that anyone can do to stop God from doing what He wants to do. Whatever the problems are that you face, God is powerful enough to help you with them. God does not have a power shortage because the world is struggling. God's power is not dependent upon what the world does. His power is dependent upon the fact that He is God. Christian, God can help you with whatever you face. You must simply go to Him and ask for His help.

God is certainly a great God. Don't let the heathens intimidate you with their finite wisdom or strength, for you serve a great God. Compare God to anyone and you will find that He far surpasses them. Compare God to anything, and again He surpasses it all. As you face each day, you can confidently know that God is there to help you with whatever you face, for His greatness will certainly meet whatever your need may be.

God Has Rights Too

God's Has Rights Too

Job 1:21

"And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD."

We live in a world where people are always demanding their rights. You have the women's rights groups who demand that women have their equal rights. You have the animal rights groups who demand that animals have rights. You have minority groups who demand their rights. It seems like every group of people demands their rights, however, who is it that demands God rights? You never see a rally where people demand that God has rights too.

Job recognized that God has rights. Most people know the story of Job and know that before heartache hit his life he was a blessed man. According to the Scriptures, he was a man of wealth. He had servants, livestock and real estate. God blessed him with a family that seemed to get along with each other, however, in one day God took most of this away. In just a few hours he lost his oxen, servants, camels, sheep, friends and children. To top all this off, his wife came and told him to curse God so he could die. Yet, despite all this Job realized that God had the right to give them everything he had, and to take it away as well. Job's response to his tragedies is what allowed him to make it through them without saying something foolishly.

We all must realize that God has rights too. When you read the verse above you see the rights of God. There is one part of God's rights that we all enjoy, but it is how we face the other two rights that will ultimately determine how life is enjoyed.

God has a right to give. The verse above says, "...the LORD gave..." We like this part of God's rights. We like it when God gives us financial blessings. We like it when God blesses us with health. We like it when God blesses us with a happy family. We like it when God gives us a home in which to live. We like it when God gives us a job. This is an enjoyable side of God's rights. When God exercises his rights to give you things, then you better take the opportunity to thank Him for what He has given you.

However, God also has a right to take away. The same God Who has a right to give also has a right to take away. We don't like this part of God rights. It is amazing how we become bitter towards God when He exercises His right to take away. The same God Who exercised His rights to give you finances also has a right to take those finances away. The same God Who gives you health also has a right to take your health away. The same God Who gave you a home in which to live, also has a right to take that home away. We must understand that God has the right to take anything away from whomever He chooses.

It is your response to God's third right that determines whether trials help or hurt you. Job said, "...blessed be the name of the LORD." When you can bless the LORD after He has taken away, then that is when trials will produce their greatest benefits in your life. Christian, don't ever forget that God has a right to take away from you whatever He wills. Don't get bitter at God when He exercises His right to take away. Like Job, realize that God has a right to give and the right to take away. When you recognize God's rights by blessing Him, then bitterness will not become a part of your life.

Spiritual Weight Lifting

Spiritual Weight Lifting

Nehemiah 8:10

"Then he said unto them, Go your way, eat the fat, and drink the sweet, and send portions unto them for whom nothing is prepared: for this day is holy unto our LORD: neither be ye sorry; for the joy of the LORD is your strength."

One activity that many young men like to do is lift weights. The purpose of lifting weights is to gain strength. Strength is important for many parts of life. A strong body is a healthier body. However, just like our physical bodies need strength, our spiritual bodies need strength as well. If you are going to be spiritually strong so that you can fight off the attacks of Satan and the world, then you need to be sure that you are spiritually strong. God shows us three things that are like spiritual weight lifting for the Christian. If you will do these things, then you will find that you will gain strength.

The first way to gain spiritual strength is to make God happy. The verse above says, "...for the joy of the LORD is your strength." You will notice this verse is not talking about the Christian being joyful, rather, it is talking about the LORD being joyful. Though I believe a Christian who is joyful will add strength to their life, this verse is dealing with the Christian giving God joy. In other words, the Christian gains strength by giving God joy.

You may wonder how you can give God joy. The best way to give God joy is to live right. It pleases God when you do right. Therefore, by doing right you give the LORD joy. Living right will not only keep you from having to suffer sin's punishment, but it will give you strength in your Christian life. This is one reason you need to stay away from sin. The more you stay away from sin the more strength you will gain to fight the Devil.

The second way to gain spiritual strength is to wait on the LORD. Isaiah 40:31 says, "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint." Notice that waiting on the LORD gives strength. Waiting is serving. When you go to the restaurant, the waiter is your server. God is teaching that when the Christian serves Him, it is like adding weight to a barbell to gain strength. Yes, living right will give you strength, but serving the LORD will give your strength as well.

The third way to gain spiritual strength is to rest in God. Psalm 28:7 says, "The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise him." Going to God for protection and comfort in times of struggle and heartache will give you strength. Christian, when you face hard times, run to God. He alone will give you the strength you need to make it through your tough times.

Furthermore, if a weight lifter wants to gain more strength, then they will add more weight to the barbell. Likewise, if the Christian wants to gain more spiritual strength, then they need to do more of these things. There comes a point in your Christian life when you need to get rid of more sin. There comes a point in your Christian life when you need to do more for God. By doing more for God, you will find that you will become stronger as a Christian.

I challenge you today to start your spiritual weight lifting program. Start by laying aside sin, and replacing that sin with serving God. Then, when you face tough times run to God and ask Him for His help. These three things will add strength to your Christian life.

So I Prayed

So I Prayed

Nehemiah 2:4

"Then the king said unto me, For what dost thou make request? So I prayed to the God of heaven."

Nehemiah is one of the great Christian leaders we read about in the Scriptures. When you look at the task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, Nehemiah never cowered from the great task. However, one of the things that is overlooked about this great man is his prayer life. I believe the reason Nehemiah was successful in building the walls of Jerusalem was because of how he prayed. Yes, there were other characteristics that were involved in helping Nehemiah to be successful, but the greatest reason why he succeeded was because he prayed.

No Christian will ever be successful in the Christian life without a prayer life. You can try every method to be successful in the Christian life, but you will fail if you don't have a prayer life. You can try to get the greatest education in the world, but without a prayer life you will fail in the Christian life. You can know all the influential people who can help you succeed, but without a prayer life you will fail in the Christian life. You can have the greatest charisma and attitude, but without a prayer life your Christian life will fail. The Christian life will only succeed if the Christian daily spends time in prayer. You cannot do a spiritual work and succeed without getting God involved. Nehemiah recognized the importance of getting God involved in the great work of building the wall of Jerusalem, and because of this he succeeded. Let me show you some of the times when Nehemiah prayed.

First, he prayed when facing great tasks. In Nehemiah 1:11, Nehemiah prayed that God would help him as he started the endeavor to build the wall of Jerusalem. Whenever you endeavor to start something, be sure to ask God to help. You may succeed without God's help, but you will succeed in a greater way with His help. Every great work in history was bathed in prayer. I believe one of the great lacks of our day is that we don't spend time in prayer before we start an endeavor. Be sure to pray before you start your day. If you want to be successful in what you do every day, then pray.

Second, he prayed when faced with tough questions. In the verse above, the king asked Nehemiah what he wanted, and before answered he asked God for help. When people ask you questions, always whisper a prayer for God to help you answer their question correctly. I find myself asking God for wisdom many times throughout the day when I am asked a question. I'm amazed how God gives me the wisdom to give the right answer to these questions. Likewise, God has the wisdom to give you the right answers to every question that you face if you would just ask Him.

Third, he prayed when his enemies ridiculed and attacked him. When you're faced with ridicule on the job or in the school, be sure to pray and ask God for help. When others attack and try to destroy your character or work, run to God in prayer, for He is the One Who can help you through these times.

Fourth, he prayed when he needed encouragement. In Nehemiah 13:22, Nehemiah prayed when he saw that the people allowed the enemies of God to permeate their work. Christian, complaining and whining about your problems will not help you, but asking God in prayer for encouragement will. You will be amazed how God can encourage you if you will simply run to Him in prayer.

Is prayer the first thing that comes to your mind when faced with different circumstances each day? Learn to be a person who whispers a prayer to God throughout your day for help and wisdom to accomplish what you need to do. A little whispered prayer to God before you face circumstances each day will reap great benefits towards your success.

Good in Bad

Keeping a Good Attitude in Bad Times

Habakkuk 3:18

"Yet I will rejoice in the LORD, I will joy in the God of my salvation."

When you read the verse above without looking at its context, you would immediately agree with Habakkuk. However, this statement when taken in context is much greater than one would imagine. He made this statement after he prophesied of the evil that would come upon Israel. Some of the things that were said before this statement were that the fig tree would no longer blossom, troops would invade the land, the flocks and herds would be taken away and the people would be taken captive. These were certainly bad times that Israel was going to come across. Habakkuk was teaching them in this verse how to keep a good attitude in bad times.

First, he said that he would "...rejoice in the LORD,..." The word "rejoice" means to re-joy. In other words, when looking at circumstances in bad times, you must look to the past to get your joy. Times may currently be bad, but they have not always been bad; therefore, you must look to your past circumstances to get joy.

When you look to the past, you can certainly see that the LORD has blessed you. When you look to the past, you can see how the LORD provided your needs in the past. When you look to the past, you can see how the LORD was there for you during your tough times. When you look to the past, you can see all the blessings that the LORD sent your way. Though dwelling on circumstances is rarely advised, if you choose to dwell on your circumstances, then you must also look to the past. Every person has a way of forgetting the bad in their past. It is amazing how many people talk of their past as if everything was perfect. Why? Because time has a way of causing us to forget the hard times. Therefore, you can keep a good attitude in bad times by looking at past circumstances.

Second, you can keep a good attitude in bad times by dwelling on your salvation. Habakkuk said, "...I will joy in the God of my salvation." Notice that it is a choice to dwell on your salvation. He said, "I will..." There will be times when you have to will yourself to dwell on your salvation. Your flesh wants to dwell on circumstances, but you must will yourself to dwell on your salvation. Your flesh desires to mope around seeking sympathy for the bad times, but you must will yourself to dwell on your salvation.

How does dwelling on our salvation help us to have a good attitude in bad times? It helps because nothing can change your salvation. It doesn't matter what you are facing, it cannot change your salvation. Bad finances will not change your salvation. Home foreclosures will not change your salvation. Bad health will not change your salvation. Losing your retirement will not change your salvation. Whatever you face in life cannot change your salvation. When you dwell on your salvation, you will find that you can have joy, for joy comes from within.

Finally, it is interesting that when dwelling on circumstances we must go to the past, but when dwelling on our salvation we can live in the present. One causes you to live in the present without having to look at any circumstance. Of the two, dwelling on your salvation is the best. It is rarely good to dwell on circumstances, for if you do you will find your emotions will be up and down. However, if you must dwell on circumstances, then choose to rejoice in your past circumstances. The best way to keep a good attitude in bad times is to take your eyes off the circumstances and place them on something that will never change, your salvation. By dwelling on your salvation you will find a well of joy that will never end. It won't matter what you face when dwelling on your salvation, for nothing can change it; thus, you will find yourself constantly having a good attitude in bad times.