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Follow the Followers


Jeremiah 38:5

"Then Zedekiah the king said, Behold, he is in your hand: for the king is not he that can do any thing against you."

There is a game that many children play called, "Follow the leader." The principle of the game is to teach children the importance of the followers following their leader. When the followers follow the leader, and the leader leads in the right direction, then everyone wins.  Though life is not a game, it is important that in every role we follow the principle of following the leader.  

Why was Judah in such a mess in Zedekiah's day? Very simple, they had very weak leadership! Zedekiah showed how weak of a leader he was when he said, "Behold, he is in your hand: for the king is not he that can do any thing against you." This is the sign of weak leadership.  Weak leadership follows its followers instead of leading its followers. Followers don't need to lead themselves. They need someone strong enough to tell them what they need to do, as well as someone who will lead them while they are doing it.  Leadership is to lead, not follow, that is the purpose of leadership.  

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In today's society, you will find many leaders who are not leading their followers.  It seems as if leaders are following the followers instead of the followers following the leaders. As along as the leaders follow the followers, then you will continue to have a dysfunctional society.  

Parents, your responsibility is to lead your children. No parent should follow their children's leadership. Sadly, in many homes you see children leading and this is to their own detriment. God commands the children to obey their parents, not for the parents to obey the children.  Every parent should realize the importance of leading their children.  

Likewise, the husband needs to start leading instead of following in the marriage. I know we talk a lot about how a lady should not lead, but when the husband won't lead, then someone has to step up and lead.  Men, it's time you stop being the follower and start being the leader God intended for you to be.  

In our churches, we need pastors who will stop following the followers and start leading them. The whole reason why we have Christian rock in our music programs and the hipster society taking control of the churches is because the pastors are following the followers. If pastors would follow God and lead the church, then there would not be liberalism inside of the church.  

Christian, be sure that in every relationship you are fulfilling your proper role of following or leading.  If you are a follower in a certain relationship, then be sure to follow and stop fighting against the leader.  If you are a leader in another relationship, then you need to be sure to lead and not follow the followers.  Whenever the leaders follow the followers you will find that compromise and heartache will follow, but when the leaders follow God and lead their followers in the way God wants them to go, then joy and success will come.  Let's not live life following the followers, but let's live life following the leaders.

The Greatest Life

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The Greatest Life is the Christian Life


Psalm 37:1

"Fret not thyself because of evildoers, neither be thou envious against the workers of iniquity."

When God says, "Fret not thyself because of evildoers..." He is commanding you not to become envious about those who don't live righteous lives. God knew that Christians would start looking at what the "evildoers" seemed to get away with and would consider not doing right themselves.  Let's face it, quite often it seems that the world seems to have a lot of fun with their sin.  Whenever you look at the television programs and advertisements, they always portray those who live in sin as happy people. That is the problem, we only see what they portray and not the real life of these actors. When you look at their real life, you realize that sin does not pay. Yet, we still must have a way to remind ourselves that the Christian life is the best life. God show us four ways to keep the Christian life in its proper perspective.  

First, trust God!  In verse 3, God commands you to trust Him in spite of what the heathen do. Christian, there will be many times in your life when you will just have to trust that God is right.  You may not see that God is right, but you must trust Him that He is right.  

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Second, in verse 4, God says to delight yourself in Him.  The word "delight" means "to get pleasure from." In other words, God is telling you the way to keep from being envious of the wicked is to get your delight from God. Just like the wicked get their pleasure from sin, you need to get your pleasure from God.  Christian, serving God can be fun, and on top of that it is rewarding in the long run. One of the reasons why Christians become envious of the wicked is because they don't enjoy life. Learn to lighten up; laugh and enjoy life. To never laugh or enjoy the things of life is not one of the requirements of being a Christian. God wants you to enjoy life, just serve Him while you're enjoying it. Get your pleasure from doing right.  

Third, commit your way to God. In verse 5, God says that you must commit your way to Him if you are going to avoid becoming envious of the wicked.  In other words, decide you are going to walk God's way no matter what happens. Until you become that committed to God's way, you will always be envious of the wicked.  

Last, in verse 7, God says to rest in the LORD. To avoid becoming envious of the wicked, you must be patient and realize that God will come through for you, and will also reward the wicked for their ways. God's timing is not always our timing, therefore you must be patient realizing that God is keeping a record and will come through at the time appointed.  

Christian, don't become envious of the wicked's lifestyle.  It may seem fun at a distance, but it is filled with regret.  Follow the four steps above to avoid becoming envious of the wicked. If you will follow these steps, you will find the Christian life is the best life.


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Growth's Process


Jeremiah 12:2

"Thou hast planted them, yea, they have taken root: they grow, yea, they bring forth fruit: thou art near in their mouth, and far from their reins."

One of the most exciting things to watch in life is growth.  On the other hand, one of the most frustrating things to wait on is fruit.  Yet, in order to enjoy the fruit of your labors, there must be a time of planting and then patience during the growing stage in order to see your fruit.  

Several years ago, when I had been in evangelism for about ten years, I was becoming frustrated with my ministry because I couldn't see the fruit of my ministry.  Don't get me wrong, I saw the LORD work on a weekly basis in every meeting, but I really wanted to see some long-standing fruit from my years of ministry.  I stayed with what God called me to do, and it wasn't long before I started seeing the fruit of my ministry.  Men who were called to preach were now coming to me as pastors and missionaries thanking me for my ministry.  People whom I led to the LORD were contacting me to thank me for taking time to lead them to Christ.  All of this happened because I had to go through the complete growth process in order to experience the fruit.  

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In the verse above, God explains the whole growth process that a person must go through in order to see fruit.  The first step in the growth process is planting. When you start planting, you are full of dreams, but planting can also be frustrating.  You must remember that repetition is very important in the planting stage. Whether you are growing a Christian or a young child, repetition of truth is very important.  This is why we must avoid needing something new to give, for the greatest teacher is repetition. I have watched many pastors try to preach something new that no one else has preached only to hurt those whom he pastors.  Repetition of truth is what drives home the seed of truth in the hearts of the people.  When a parent is rearing a child, especially in the early stages, repetition is very important to drive home the right way to live.  

Growth is the second stage in this process.  The growth phase is an important stage to watch because weeds will start growing as well.  It is in this stage that you will have to remove the bad habits that people pick up. Correction is needed in this growth phase.  Along with correction, the feeding of truth is still important. Preachers and teachers need to use correction in their preaching and teaching to remove the weeds of bad habits.  Parents must use correction in order to remove the bad habits in their children. If you want to see good fruit, then you must continue to feed truth and correct bad habits.  

The final stage of the growing process is fruit.  Reaping is hard work!  In order to reap you will have to be patient and longsuffering with people so that you can see the fruit of your labors. Too many people give up before they get to the reaping stage and never see the fruit of their labors.  

Christian, don't give up, for you will get fruit.  Parent, don't give up, for the fruit of your labors will be seen. God placed you on this Earth to reproduce. If you are going to fulfill God's purpose to bring forth fruit, then you must go through the process of planting, growing and reaping in order to see fruit.  Don't try to skip any stage, and be sure to stay with it until you see the whole process through. Going through the whole growth process is how you will experience fulfillment and joy in life.

It is not inherited!

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Spirituality is Not Inherited


Jeremiah 5:7

"How shall I pardon thee for this? thy children have forsaken me, and sworn by them that are no gods: when I had fed them to the full, they then committed adultery, and assembled themselves by troops in the harlots' houses."

One of the greatest blessings of my life is my heritage.  I feel very blessed because I was born into an independent Baptist home. In fact, I am a sixth generation Baptist preacher. Because of God's grace, I have never seen the wickedness of the world in my family.  I grew up in a home where my parents guided me in the ways of the LORD.  Though I am blessed with this heritage, the LORD holds me more accountable to walking in His ways than those who have had to learn His ways on their own.  

In the verse above, God was angry with the second-generation Israelites who forsook Him for other gods. God lays His case out for what He did for them by saying He fed them until they were full.  In other words, He blessed them to the point that they wanted and needed nothing. Yet, though God blessed them in such a great manner, they still forsook Him to serve other gods. 

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If you are a second-generation Christian, you must be careful about allowing your heritage to become "old hat" to you. What a privilege you have had to grow up in a home where you did not have to see the pains of sin. There are many people who were saved out of a life of wickedness and have seen the pain that sin causes.  As a second-generation Christian, you must realize that God holds you to a higher standard than those who don't know any better.  Let me give you several quick thoughts that second-generation Christians must keep in mind.  

First, spirituality is not inherited. Just because your parents are spiritual does not make you spiritual. If you are spiritual, it is because you live a spiritual life.  Every generation is responsible for its own actions. 

Second, every generation must seek to know the LORD's way. Though you may know about the LORD's way because of your parents, you must personally seek to know His way by walking in His ways.  Let me put it this way, the LORD's way is not a knowledge, but His way is an experience and a lifestyle.  The only reason why you are in the LORD's way is because you are living in His way.  

Third, second-generation Christians must not think they have missed out. It is sad that the second-generation Christians in the text above forsook God for other gods.  Just because you have not experienced the "fun" of the world does not mean you have missed out. Yes, you have missed out!  You missed out on heartache, broken relationships, wrecked lives and God's judgment. That is what you miss out on by walking in the LORD's way.  Don't become so enamored with the world that you think you have missed out.  

Last, every generation must become the first generation.  Though you are a second-generation Christian, you are the first generation in your life.  You must live as if there were no previous generations who sought the LORD.  You must be that first generation to show the LORD's way for the generation who follows you.  Always remember, you cannot inherit spirituality, therefore you are the first generation.

Spiritual Retirement

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Spiritual Retirement Age


Isaiah 62:1  

"For Zion's sake will I not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem's sake I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth."


Have you retired on God?  It seems as I travel that there are more and more people who have spiritually retired.  What I mean by this is that they are still faithful to church, but they hardly do anything in the church.  Many of these who have spiritually retired rely upon their past spiritual accomplishments as their basis for justifying their spiritual retirement.  

According to the verse above, until righteousness reigns supreme, there should be no spiritual retirement. You will notice it says, "I will not rest, until the righteousness thereof go forth as brightness, and the salvation thereof as a lamp that burneth." Apparently, in God's eyes there is no spiritual retirement age.  The only time God justifies anyone spiritually retiring is when righteousness rules in everyone's life.  Micah 2:10 says, "Arise ye, and depart; for this is not your rest..." God commands every Christian to arise and keep building and restoring lives until righteousness reigns.  

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As I think about this verse, several thoughts come to mind.  First, you should not rest until you have conquered your own sin. Spiritual retirement is not an option until all sin has been conquered in your own life. Christian, one of the reasons you should not spiritually retire is because serving God is how you conquer sin. You will not conquer sin by sitting on the sidelines watching others serve God.  Being that you are a sinful human, that would mean you have no business spiritually retiring because you still have sin to overcome.  

Second, you should not spiritually retire until every person has conquered sin.  I think you are starting to get the picture, spiritual retirement will not happen until we get to Heaven. As long as people continue to sin, it is your responsibility to help them overcome their sin.  There is no time to rest when sin is destroying lives! It is not time to spiritually retire until righteousness reigns in the heart of every person.  

Last, you should not spiritually retire until every person on Earth is saved. The greatest reason why you should cancel your spiritual retirement plans is because people are still dying and going to Hell. Christian, Hell is a real place; and people are still dying and going there. How can you enjoy your spiritual retirement while people continue to slip off into a burning Hell for all eternity? It is not time to spiritually retire, it is time to grab your Bible and go tell people how to be saved. It is not time to spiritually retire while thousands of cities have no church to tell them how to get saved.  It is not time to spiritually retire while the world goes without a clear presentation of the Gospel. Until there is no fire in Hell, and until there is no person who is not saved, you should stay busy trying to reach every lost person with the Gospel of Christ.  

Have you spiritually retired?  What do you do for Christ other than attend church? It is time to get busy serving God and realize that your rest will come when you get to Heaven.  Until then, cancel all of your spiritual retirement plans.