Bearer of Good News

Acts 13:32

"And we declare unto you glad tidings, how that the promise which was made unto the fathers,"

You see them coming, and you're trying to find an escape route or an excuse to quickly get away from them. It is that person who is the bearer of bad news. It doesn't matter how good something can be, they are the one who always sees the negative. The biggest mistake you make is asking them how they are doing, for they will be sure to tell you all the bad going on in their life. Nobody enjoys being around this type of person.

The Apostle Paul was not a bearer of bad news; instead, he was a bearer of good news. Paul said in the verse above, "And we declare unto you glad tidings,..." Paul wanted people to walk away with the promise that they could go to Heaven. Let me make this clear, he wasn't a "prosperity gospel" type of preacher. Paul certainly told people there was a punishment for their sins, but he also encouraged them with good news.

Christians should be the bearer of "glad tidings." Throughout the Scriptures you will find that God wants us to encourage people. You are not going to be one who encourages others if you are always bearing bad news. If you always see the glass as half empty, then people are not going to want to be around you, yet, when you can look at every circumstance and see the good from it, then you will be surprised how people will want to follow you. The world is hard enough without Christians always bearing bad news. This world needs somebody who will bring sunshine to a dark day. Let me give you some suggestions on how to be a bearer of good news.

First, you need to yield yourself to the Holy Ghost. You will notice in verse 52 that the disciples were filled with the Holy Ghost. It is amazing how the Holy Ghost will cause you to see things in a different light. Our flesh tends to see the negative, so we need the Holy Ghost to point our eyes to see life in reality. In other words, the Holy Ghost will allow you to see both the good and bad. When you can see things that way, you will find that the good always outweighs the bad.

Second, look for the good in everything. If you are going to be a bearer of good news, then search for it. I have found that no matter how bad things can get, there is always something good in it. It may take me some time to find it, but there is always good. You must choose to find the good and focus on it if you are going to be a bearer of good news.

Third, avoid those who bear bad news. One of the reasons a person is a bearer of bad news is because they live in a world of bad news. You will never find the good in life if your are constantly feeding yourself with bad news. I'm not saying that you should not live in a world of reality, but you don't have to live in the world of bad. For instance, I rarely watch the news. Instead, I choose to read the news so that I can choose what I want to read. I'm current on world events simply by glancing at the news. If you live in the world of the negative, you will not be a bearer of good news.

Friend, this world needs you to be a person who bears good news. Yes, we ought to bear the good news of the Gospel, but I also believe we ought to be a person who bears good news about life in general. It is a choice to be a bearer of good news, so choose to be that one who brightens the dark days by bearing good news.

Interested in the Insignificant

John 21:22

"Jesus saith unto him, If I will that he tarry till I come, what is that to thee? follow thou me."

I find that the Apostle Peter was like most Christians. He often said or did things without thinking about the ramifications of his statement or actions. The statement above reveals the spirituality of the Apostle Peter before Jesus ascended. Jesus was trying to prepare the disciples for when He would go to Heaven. On the other hand, Peter asked Jesus about the man who betrayed him. Jesus responded by saying, "...what is that to thee?"

Peter's problem was that he was interested in the insignificant things of life. Jesus wanted Peter to get interested in what was important and that was following Him. Peter was more interested in things and situations than he was interested in something that could literally change lives. It is interesting that when Peter stopped being interested in the insignificant and started getting interested in the important thing of following the LORD, that is when he saw the great blessings in his life.

You must be very careful about getting interested in the insignificant things in life. We are all guilty of becoming interested in the insignificant things and missing the most important things that are right in front of us. Our sinful human nature wants to get interested in knowing the insignificant because we think it will cause us to be the source of knowledge to which people will come. Somehow we think knowing the insignificant will give us stature in our world.

What most don't see is that when you become interested in the insignificant, it causes you to miss the most important things of life. Peter was more interested in the insignificant when he should have been interested in Jesus' presence. What he didn't realize was that Jesus was about ready to ascend to Heaven, and with him interested in the insignificant he wasted time that he could have used to learn more from the Saviour.

Are you allowing the insignificant things in life to cause you to miss the most important things in your life? Are you missing the presence of your spouse because you are more interested in your preferences and hobbies? Are you missing your children because you are so busy with hobbies and making money? Are you missing the blessings of God in your church because you are listening to the gossip? One day when your spouse, children, parents or church is gone you will wish you had been more interested in what was truly important; their presence. Many people have lived a life of regret because they missed what was truly important in life.

Let me encourage you to not let the insignificant things in your life cause you to miss those who are around you. Don't let the insignificant things destroy your relationships. Don't let the insignificant things cause you to miss the presence of a spouse or child. Don't let the insignificant things cause you to miss what God is doing in your church. Get interested in the LORD and people, and you will find that the insignificant things are truly insignificant and unworthy of your attention.

Increase Our Faith

Luke 17:5

"And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith."

One of the most important aspects of the Christian life is our faith. God says in Hebrews 11:6 that it is impossible to please God without faith. The disciples certainly had a desire to please God, and they had heard Jesus talk much about their faith. Knowing their faith was important to the degree of fellowship they had with Jesus, they asked Him to increase their faith. With this question there were several things they were admitting.

First, they were admitting that they already had faith. You can't have something increased that you don't have. I believe that God has placed a portion of faith in every person. The reason I believe this is because you cannot get saved without faith. So, if it takes faith to get saved, and if anybody can get saved, then that means that everyone has some portion of faith in them. If you are saved, then you have already exercised the faith you have.

Second, they were admitting that they didn't have enough faith. It was an admission to Jesus Christ to ask Him to increase their faith. They knew their faith was not what it should be or could be for God to use them. Likewise, you must come to the point in your Christian life when you admit that your faith is not what it should be. Too many times we get to the point in our Christian life when we think we have arrived. Yet, if you have arrived, then why aren't mighty works of faith being shown through your life? God cannot increase your faith until you admit that you don't have enough faith.

Third, they were admitting that it is possible to increase faith. It doesn't matter how weak your faith is, God can increase it. Likewise, it doesn't matter how great your faith is, there is still room for God to increase it. As great as you think your faith may be, there is still room for God to increase it. No matter which side of the spectrum you fall on, it is possible for your faith to increase.

Fourth, they were admitting that Jesus is the only One Who can increase faith. Faith is a spiritual grace, and only Jesus can increase it. You will fail if you try to increase your faith alone. You need to realize your helplessness, and rely upon Jesus to increase your faith.

Why do you need your faith increased? First, you need your faith increased so that God can do mighty works through you. Jesus showed in verse 6 that with their faith increased they could move mountains. Friend, there are mountains in your life and in the lives of others that God wants moved, but it will take your faith to increase for those mountains to be moved. You need your faith increased so that God can move mountains through you.

Second, you need your faith increased so that you will keep a right perspective of yourself. Verses 7-10 talk about the unprofitable servants who, after doing their duty said, "...we have done that which was our duty to do." When God increases your faith, you will realize what He did through you had nothing to do with you, but it all had to do with Him. The greater the faith, the better perspective a person will have of themselves. The smaller the faith, the more a person will point to themselves. On the other hand, the greater the faith a person has the more they will point to Christ.

Christian, your daily prayer should be to ask God to increase your faith. The degree of faith you have will determine what God can do through you. Realize your lack of faith and ask God to increase it so that He can do greater works through you.

What's Your Excuse?

Matthew 10:32

"Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven."

My mother would often say, "Excuses are the skin of the truth, packed with a lie." This is so true! It is amazing how people come up with excuses as to why they can't serve the LORD. In Mathew 10, Jesus shows the excuses people use for not serving Him. Though people may use these excuses, the fact is their excuse is simply a lie. Let me show you some of the common excuses people use for not serving the LORD.

First, the fear of man has caused many not to serve the LORD. Jesus said in verse 28, "And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell." It's amazing that we fear those who can truly do nothing to our soul. The fear of man has caused many people to compromise. The fear of man has caused many to never step out by faith and serve the LORD. You cannot be afraid of what man will say about you if your are going to be successful in serving the LORD. If you are going to successfully serve the LORD, then you are going to have to have thick skin and not let man's words or actions cause you to step back from serving Him.

Second, the desire for peace has caused many not to serve the LORD. Verse 34 teaches us that if you serve the LORD, you will fight battles. You cannot let the battle cause you to run from serving the LORD. Too many Christians are so interested in getting along with everyone that they won't give their all to God. If you succeed in serving the LORD, then you will have to face battles.

Third, the desire to be with family has caused many to not serve the LORD. This one amazes me because I've heard many people teach that you should go wherever God wants, but when it comes down to leaving family they won't go. There is nothing wrong with desiring to be near your children or parents, but most of the time I have seen that God calls people away from family. Jesus says that if you are not willing to leave your family to serve Him, then you are not worthy of Him.

Fourth, hardships cause people not to serve the LORD. Jesus talks about taking up your cross and serving Him. Many have stopped serving the LORD because of a cross they had to bear. If Jesus can bear a cross for you, then you should be willing to bear your cross and serve Him.

Fifth, sacrificing personal dreams has caused many to not serve the LORD. Jesus says that if you are going to serve Him, then you must be willing to lose your life. He is teaching that your dreams must be sacrificed if you are going to serve Him. Sadly, personal dreams have kept many from serving the LORD. They don't want to give up their dreams for the cause of Christ.

Let me ask you, what is your excuse? Which one of these things is keeping you from serving the LORD? I will testify that none of these things will satisfy like Jesus. Whatever is keeping you from serving the LORD, I challenge you to lay it aside for the cause of Christ. There is no excuse that should keep you from serving the LORD. Lay your excuses aside and fulfill the will of God to confess Him before men.

That Great City

Jonah 1:1-2

"Now the word of the LORD came unto Jonah the son of Amittai, saying, Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and cry against it; for their wickedness is come up before me."

This story has a special place in my heart as it was a sermon from this passage of Scripture that caused me to surrender to be a preacher of the Gospel. Bro. James Holder was preaching a missions conference, and he preached about the need of Nineveh. That night God showed me the need of a nation and I surrendered to preach.

The need has not changed since that night. Nineveh was a great metropolitan city that needed a man of God. Yet, when God wanted to send a man of God to that city, Jonah ran from God and wanted nothing to do with it. Friend, it is sad that the need of Nineveh still represents the need of many great cities. No, a city is not a great city because it has a large population, but it is a great city because God called someone to go there. That is what we miss! We think it was a great city because of the population, but it was a great city because God called Jonah to go there. Do you realize that there is a great city for you to reach? In fact, most who read this devotional are already living in their great city. There are some who read this  devotional who need to heed the call of God and go to a city where God has called them. In any case, there are great cities all over this world whom God has already called someone to go to, and just like Jonah they are avoiding the call. Let me show you why so many great cities are dying and going to Hell.

First, great cities are not being reached because people are running from the call of God. Jonah ran from God's call instead of running towards it. There are many people who want nothing to do with the call of God because of what they will have to give up to obey it. Some are running from the call of God because they are too wrapped up in making money. Some are running from the call of God because they are too wrapped up in being successful in their career. Some are running from the call of God because it doesn't fit into their own dreams. While you run from the call of God, people are dying and going to Hell.

Second, great cities are not being reached because people are sleeping on the call of God. Jonah went to the bottom of the ship and went to sleep because he didn't want to think about God's call. Sadly, there are many today sleeping on the call of God to reach their great city. All around you are people who need Christ. Let me ask you, when is the last time you witnessed to someone and showed them how they can go to Heaven? Are you asleep on the call to reach your great city? Are you blinded and can't see the thousands of people whom you pass by every day?

Third, great cities are not being reached because people are fighting the call of God. Jonah fought God about his calling for three days in the belly of the whale before finally surrendering his will. Too many want nothing to do with the call of God, and they are willing to face God's chastening hand to avoid it. Don't let that be you. While people fight the call of God, the great cities they are supposed to reach are slipping out into a Christless eternity.

Are you reaching your great city? I certainly understand that everyone isn't called to be a preacher, but everyone is called to reach their great city. Your great city is where you currently live. It may be a metropolitan city or it could be an urban community, but it is a great city because God called you to be there and reach those people. I challenge you today to do your part in reaching your great city. All it takes is one individual to get serious and obey God for Him to reach a great city. Whatever you do, don't let your great city slip out into Hell.

Gray Headed

Hosea 7:9

"Strangers have devoured his strength, and he knoweth it not: yea, gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not."

Several months ago I was going back to the hotel room after a church service with a preacher friend, and we both stepped into the elevator to go to the floor our rooms were on. While we were in the elevator, this preacher friend began to look at me a little strange. For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what was wrong. He then began to get a smirk on his face and he said, "Bro. Domelle, you are getting gray hairs." At first I couldn't believe it. I thought he was pulling my leg, but I soon realized he was serious. When I got into my room, I immediately went to the mirror to see if this preacher was right. Sure enough, there were plenty of gray hairs that I hadn't noticed. The gray hairs had gradually come upon me, and it took someone else to point them out.

God said in the verse above, "...gray hairs are here and there upon him, yet he knoweth not." The change from a head full of color to becoming gray headed happens gradually. You will never notice it, but those who are not around you will. That is how change happens in our lives. Many times we think we are the same people we've always been, but often we don't see the changes in our lives. The change that happens doesn't come immediately, but gradually the changes happen in our life, and before long we are a completely different person than when we started.

You must realize that the Devil is not interested in immediate change. Just like a person goes gray headed a little here and there, likewise the Devil sends changes into our lives that he knows we will accept a little here and there. There are many people who will accept things today that they would have never accepted years ago. Years ago you would have never watched the television shows that you watch today. Years ago you would not have supported a college or preacher that you do today. Years ago you would not have allowed your children to do things that they do today. Just a little here and there changes come in, and before we know it we are completely different than what we used to be.

If you are going to avoid these changes, then you are going to have to listen to the warnings of others. Often people will tell us we are not the same, but we brush their comments off as ignorance. If someone feels you have changed, then you would be wise to listen to them. Most likely they have no ulterior motive in telling you that you've changed, so when you hear the hints about your change, you would be wise to listen.

Furthermore, you would also be wise to listen to the criticisms of your enemies. There are times when your enemies will say you have changed, but because they are against you, you won't listen. Instead of brushing it off, you would be wise to take an honest look at yourself and be sure you've not changed.

Finally, ask the Holy Spirit to reveal areas where you have gradually changed. Ask the Holy Spirit if you have become spiritually gray headed and don't know it. The Holy Spirit will certainly be willing to reveal to you where you've changed if you honestly want to correct these areas.

Has someone recently been saying that you've changed? I encourage you to take a close look in the spiritual mirror of the Word of God, and ask the Holy Spirit to shine a light on your spiritual gray hairs. When you see you've changed in certain areas, then don't brush them off, but quickly get back to being who and what you are supposed to be.