Before the Trophy Raising


Daniel 1:15
“And at the end of ten days their countenances appeared fairer and fatter in flesh than all the children which did eat the portion of the king's meat.”

The goal at the end of every competition or challenge is to receive the trophy. Those who pull for the team who won always enjoy watching their team lift the trophy in victory. It is great being part of the team that raises the trophy and to have the bragging rights that you are the champion during the next season. However, before the trophy is raised there are many steps that team had to take that led them to victory. Though we all enjoy the raising of the trophy, most do not want to endure the steps it took to raise the trophy.

Bible Thoughts by Terry Hedderman

Monday, 1/18/16  Ps 89:1b, With my mouth will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. Homework: in the next three days, remark to 3 people about God’s faithfulness. One person in the generation older than you; one in the younger generation, and 1 your same age (3 generations).        Pro 13:6  Righteousness (actions) keepeth him that is upright (position) in the way: but wickedness (actions) overthroweth the sinner (position). A Christian can’t settle for the status quo. Stopping only guarantees failure. ILL:  a bicycle.  I can’t be good if I don’t do good.

The Curse of Blessings

Ezekiel 28:17
“Thine heart was lifted up because of thy beauty, thou hast corrupted thy wisdom by reason of thy brightness: I will cast thee to the ground, I will lay thee before kings, that they may behold thee.”

Maybe, the most blessed being in history was Lucifer. He was created and placed in Heaven. He was the perfection of beauty and filled with wisdom. He was an anointed cherub and also had a voice that was like none other. He had the privilege of living in the presence of God and seeing the beauty of Heaven. He was certainly among the most blessed in history.

I Choose the Valley


Ecclesiastes 7:3
“Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.”

People oftentimes bemoan the valley and wish that they could live on the mountaintops. On the other hand, God says that “Sorrow is better than laughter: for by the sadness of the countenance the heart is made better.” Without sadness, the heart could not be made better. God goes further in the next verse and says, “The heart of the wise is in the house of mourning; but the heart of fools is in the house of mirth.” In other words, it is in the valley where you will find the wisdom to make life better.

You Don’t Need “Yes” People

Ecclesiastes 4:13
“Better is a poor and a wise child than an old and foolish king, who will no more be admonished.”

In the verse above, Solomon was trying to teach his son the importance of taking admonishment. He wanted his son to understand that it would be better to be a poor person who lived in the poor section of town than to sit on a throne and never allow anyone to tell him what to do. Solomon knew that his son would be destroyed if he ever got to the point where people could not tell him he was wrong.

Securing Victory

Psalm 18:37
“I have pursued mine enemies, and overtaken them: neither did I turn again till they were consumed.”

God intends for the Christian to be victorious in all that they do. God is not a God of defeat, but He is a God of victory. The psalmist clearly understood that he could secure victory through God. In verse 31, he understood that “It is God” Who gives the victory. You can try obtaining victory through anyone else, but only through God can the Christian be guaranteed the victory. When you decide to trust in God, there are several things He will enable you to do to secure victory.